IC670MDL930 现场控制模块 继电器输出模块
品牌 | GE发那科 |
系列 | 现场控制 |
制造者 | GE发那科 |
零件编号 | IC670MDL930 |
系列 | 现场 I/O 控制 |
零件编号 | IC670MDL930 |
产品描述 | 继电器输出模块 |
IC670MDL930是GE Fanuc现场控制模块系列的继电器输出模块。该模块带有单独隔离的通道,特别是六 (6) 个 A 型或常开 (N.O.) 触点和两 (2) 个 C 型常开 (N.O) 和常闭 (N.C.) 触点输出。
每个输出触点的额定电压为 5VDC / 24 VDC / 125 DC 或 120 / 240 VAC 标称电压,实际电压范围为 0-130 VDC、0-265 VAC、47-63 Hz,每个模块的最大负载电流为 16 A。该模块具有固定线圈、移动电枢继电器类型,最大电流消耗为 313 mA。
该模块具有输入到逻辑、用户输入到帧接地和组到组隔离之间的典型隔离额定值,特别是 250 VAC 连续,1500 VAC 持续 1 分钟。
电阻负载的模块最大电流额定值为 2.0 安培,从 5 到 265VAC;2 至 0VDC 为 5.30 安培,0 至 2VDC 为 31.125 安培,最大浪涌电流为 5 A,持续 20 ms,每个输入的最大负载电流为 10 mA。该模块对ON和OFF信号转换的响应时间通常为10 ms,而如果与感性负载一起使用,则每个通道的最大开关频率为每分钟20个周期。
该模块的触点输出由银合金制成,在 0 VDC 时 2 A 时接触电阻为 1.6 欧姆。每个触点在额定电阻负载(电气)下的工作寿命为 20 x 10^6 次(机械)和 10^5 次操作。
现场控制IC670MDL930继电器输出模块是由GE Fanuc制造的隔离式NO/NC继电器离散输出模块。IC670MDL930继电器输出模块提供 8 个隔离输出,具有 6 个常开触点和 2 个常闭和常开触点。这些继电器也分别称为 A 型继电器和 C 型继电器。为了减少高频噪声瞬变,输出采用RC缓冲器进行抑制。A 型继电器具有常开触点,C 型继电器具有常开或常闭触点。模块的触点由银合金制成。触点的机械寿命为 20 x 10^6 次操作,触点的电气寿命为 10^5 次操作。
当 IC670MDL930 继电器隔离式 NO/NC 输出模块具有大量连接的继电器输出模块时,它需要 BIU 提供更多功率。用户必须为负载提供外部交流或直流电源,该电源由触点驱动。每个输出的逻辑侧都有一个 LED 指示灯。该模块提供故障报告功能,以实现高效运行。它具有 8 位离散输出数据,经过处理后可与总线接口模块一起使用。必须为 IC670MDL930 继电器输出模块提供为继电器线圈通电所需的电源。该模块的最大负载电流为 2 安培(5 至 265 伏交流电)、2 安培(5 至 30 伏直流电)和 0.2 安培(31 至 125 伏直流电)。它带有带有移动电枢的固定线圈继电器类型。它从总线接口模块电源汲取 313 毫安的最大电流,以便上电。
IC670MDL930 现场控制模块 继电器输出模块
The IC670MDL930 is a relay output module in the GE Fanuc family of field control modules. The module has individually isolated channels, in particular six (6) Type A or normally open (N.O.) contacts and two (2) type C normally open (N.O) and normally closed (N.C.) contact outputs.
Each output contact is rated for A nominal voltage of 5VDC / 24VDC / 125 DC or 120/240 VAC, and the actual voltage range is 0-130 VDC, 0-265 VAC, 47-63 Hz, with a maximum load current of 16 A per module. The module has a fixed coil, mobile armature relay type with a maximum current consumption of 313 mA.
The module has typical isolation ratings between input to logic, user input to frame grounding and group to group isolation, in particular 250 VAC continuous and 1500 VAC lasting 1 minute.
Resistance-loaded modules have maximum current ratings of 2.0 amps, from 5 to 265VAC; 2 to 0VDC is 5.30 amps, 0 to 2VDC is 31.125 amps, the maximum surge current is 5 A for 20 ms, and the maximum load current per input is 10 mA. The module typically has a response time of 10 ms for ON and OFF signal conversions, while if used with inductive loads, the maximum switching frequency per channel is 20 cycles per minute.
The module's contact output is made of silver alloy with A contact resistance of 1.6 ohms at 2 A at 0 VDC. Each contact has a working life of 20 x 10^6 (mechanical) and 10^5 operations under rated resistance load (electrical).
The field control IC670MDL930 relay output module is an isolated NO/NC relay discrete output module manufactured by GE Fanuc. The IC670MDL930 relay output module offers 8 isolated outputs with 6 normally open contacts and 2 normally closed and normally open contacts. These relays are also called Type A relays and Type C relays, respectively. In order to reduce high-frequency noise transients, the output is suppressed by an RC buffer. Type A relays have normally open contacts and type C relays have normally open or normally closed contacts. The module's contacts are made of silver alloy. The mechanical life of the contact is 20 x 10^6 operations and the electrical life of the contact is 10^5 operations.
When the IC670MDL930 relay isolated NO/NC output module has a large number of connected relay output modules, it requires more power from the BIU. The user must provide an external AC or DC power supply to the load, which is driven by contacts. There is an LED indicator on the logical side of each output. This module provides fault reporting for efficient operation. It has 8-bit discrete output data that can be processed for use with the bus interface module. The IC670MDL930 relay output module must be supplied with the power required to energize the relay coil. The module's maximum load currents are 2 amps (5 to 265 volts AC), 2 amps (5 to 30 volts DC), and 0.2 amps (31 to 125 volts DC). It comes with a fixed coil relay type with a moving armature. It draws a maximum current of 313 MA from the bus interface module power supply for power-on.
IC670MDL930 现场控制模块 继电器输出模块
OVATION 1C31238H01 | Emerson Ovation | SOE卡 | WESTINGHOUSE 5X00062G01 | Emerson Ovation | 电源模块 |
OVATION 1C31233G04 | Emerson Ovation | SOE卡 | WESTINGHOUSE 1C31166G01 | Emerson Ovation | 系统备件 |
OVATION 1C31179G02 | Emerson Ovation | 远程连接卡 | WESTINGHOUSE 1C31125G02 | Emerson Ovation | PLC 模块 |
OVATION 1C31224G02 | Emerson Ovation | 模拟量输入卡 | WESTINGHOUSE 1C31122G01 | Emerson Ovation | 模拟量输入模块 |
OVATION 1C31222G01 | Emerson Ovation | 继电器输出卡 | EMERSON 5X00062G01 | Emerson Ovation | 模拟模块 |
OVATION 1C31223G01 | Emerson Ovation | 继电器输出卡 | EMERSON SP7411 | Emerson Ovation | 电源模块 |
OVATION 1C31227G01 | Emerson Ovation | 高速模拟量输入卡 | EMERSON SP7412 | Emerson Ovation | 电源模块 |
OVATION 1C31227G02 | Emerson Ovation | 模拟量输入卡 | EMERSON SP7431 | Emerson Ovation | 柜式变频器 |
OVATION 1C31129G04 | Emerson Ovation | DCS模块 | EMERSON SP8411 | Emerson Ovation | 驱动器 |
OVATION 5X00226G03 | Emerson Ovation | DCS卡件 | EMERSON SP8413 | Emerson Ovation | 伺服驱动器 |
OVATION 5X00226G01 | Emerson Ovation | 控制器 | EMERSON SP8414 | Emerson Ovation | 变频器 |
OVATION 5X00300G01 | Emerson Ovation | DP接口卡 | EMERSON SP8431 | Emerson Ovation | 独立机柜式驱动器 |
OVATION 5X00226G02 | Emerson Ovation | IOIC卡 | EMERSON SP9413 | Emerson Ovation | CT变频器 |
OVATION 5X00241G02 | Emerson Ovation | 控制器卡 | EMERSON SP9414 | Emerson Ovation | 伺服电机驱动器 |
OVATION 5X00063G01 | Emerson Ovation | HART模拟量输出卡1 | EMERSON SP9415 | Emerson Ovation | 变频器 |
OVATION 5X00121G01 | Emerson Ovation | 热电阻输入卡 | EMERSON SP6412 | Emerson Ovation | 卡件 |
OVATION 5X00119G01 | Emerson Ovation | 热电阻输入卡 | EMERSON SP9434 | Emerson Ovation | 卡件 |