GE IC754CBF08CTD 操作员界面设备 提供机器/控制器的接口
制造者 | GE发那科 |
品牌 | 快速面板 |
零件号/目录号 | IC754CBF08CTD |
产品线 | GE快速面板 |
显示尺寸 | 8 英寸 |
显示颜色 | 颜色 |
输入类型 | 触摸屏 |
通用电气 (GE) IC754CBF08CTD QuickPanel Control 是一种具有 Windows CE 操作系统Microsoft的操作员界面设备,它提供了与机器/控制器的接口,以实现有效的监视和控制。该设备采用先进的微处理器设计,具有高分辨率触摸屏操作界面,并具有 64 兆字节 RAM 和闪存,用于存储应用程序。该设备具有 8.4 英寸彩色 TFT 显示屏,显示分辨率为 800 x 600 像素,显示屏亮度为 4000 NIT。该IC754CBF08CTD配备冷阴极荧光背光,半衰期为 50,000 小时,并配有前面板边框盖以提供保护。
通用电气 (GE) IC754CBF08CTD QuickPanel Control 是一种具有 Windows CE 操作系统Microsoft的操作员界面设备,它提供了与机器/控制器的接口,以实现有效的监视和控制。该设备采用先进的微处理器设计,具有高分辨率触摸屏操作界面,并具有 64 兆字节 RAM 和闪存,用于存储应用程序。该设备具有 8.4 英寸彩色 TFT 显示屏,显示分辨率为 800 x 600 像素,显示屏亮度为 4000 NIT。该IC754CBF08CTD配备冷阴极荧光背光,半衰期为 50,000 小时,并配有前面板边框盖以提供保护。数据输入通过其模拟电阻式触摸屏进行,具有 800 x 600 个单元的触摸分辨率,并具有带有 XScale (PXA255) 处理器和 400 兆赫兹时钟速度的逻辑模块。该IC754CBF08CTD配备了一个 64 兆字节的电池备份 RAM 和用户内存,它具有 64 兆字节的最大内存扩展插槽,具有 100 兆赫兹的总线速度和 64 毫秒的最长刷新时间。
该设备还具有 1 个插槽扩展端口,可连接 512 兆字节的可选存储卡,并具有 2 个 USB(兼容 V1.1)端口,用于与外围设备建立连接。该IC754CBF08CTD具有直流电源,电压范围为 10.8 至 30.0 伏直流电,功率输出为 24W。它通过 EEE 额定值为 10 BaseT/100 Base-TX 以太网 RJ45 连接器连接到以太网,最大电缆长度为 100 米,并具有 2 个串行通信端口(COM1 和 COM2),波特率为每秒 300 至 115200 位。该设备的工作温度范围在 0 至 60 摄氏度(32 至 140 华氏度)约 10% 至 85% 的非冷凝相对湿度范围内,并存储在 -20 至 70 摄氏度(-4 至 158 华氏度)下。该IC754CBF08CTD具有 NEMA 4/4X 外壳等级,总安装重量为 1.8 千克,安装尺寸为 186.4 x 227.8 x 76.9 毫米。
GE IC754CBF08CTD 操作员界面设备 提供机器/控制器的接口
The General Electric (GE) IC754CBF08CTD QuickPanel Control is an operator interface device with Windows CE operating system Microsoft that provides an interface to the machine/controller for effective monitoring and control. The device features an advanced microprocessor design, a high-resolution touchscreen operating interface, and 64 megabytes of RAM and flash memory for storing applications. The device features an 8.4-inch color TFT display with a display resolution of 800 x 600 pixels and a display brightness of 4000 NIT. The IC754CBF08CTD is equipped with a cold cathode fluorescent backlight with a half-life of 50,000 hours and a front panel bezel cover for protection.
The General Electric (GE) IC754CBF08CTD QuickPanel Control is an operator interface device with Windows CE operating system Microsoft that provides an interface to the machine/controller for effective monitoring and control. The device features an advanced microprocessor design, a high-resolution touchscreen operating interface, and 64 megabytes of RAM and flash memory for storing applications. The device features an 8.4-inch color TFT display with a display resolution of 800 x 600 pixels and a display brightness of 4000 NIT. The IC754CBF08CTD is equipped with a cold cathode fluorescent backlight with a half-life of 50,000 hours and a front panel bezel cover for protection. Data entry takes place via its analog resistive touch screen, with a touch resolution of 800 x 600 units and a logic module with an XScale (PXA255) processor and a 400 MHZ clock speed. The IC754CBF08CTD is equipped with a 64 Megabyte battery backup RAM and user memory, it has a maximum 64 Megabyte memory expansion slot, has a 100 MHZ bus speed and a maximum refresh time of 64 milliseconds.
The device also has a slot expansion port for connecting to an optional 512 Megabyte memory card and 2 USB (V1.1 compatible) ports for establishing connections with peripherals. The IC754CBF08CTD has a DC supply with a voltage range of 10.8 to 30.0 volts DC and a power output of 24W. It is connected to Ethernet via an EEE rating of 10 BaseT/100 Base-TX Ethernet RJ45 connector, has a maximum cable length of 100 meters, and has 2 serial communication ports (COM1 and COM2) with a baud rate of 300 to 115,200 bits per second. The device operates in a temperature range of 0 to 60 degrees Celsius (32 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit) in a non-condensing relative humidity range of about 10 to 85 percent and is stored at -20 to 70 degrees Celsius (-4 to 158 degrees Fahrenheit). The IC754CBF08CTD has a NEMA 4/4X housing rating with a total mounting weight of 1.8 kg and mounting dimensions of 186.4 x 227.8 x 76.9 mm.
GE IC754CBF08CTD 操作员界面设备 提供机器/控制器的接口
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