GE IC697VAL348 模拟I/O模块 电子转换器
品牌 | GE发那科 |
系列 | 90-70系列 |
零件编号 | IC697VAL348 |
类型 | 转换板 |
转炉 | DAC接口 |
IC697VAL348模块是GE Fanuc制造的8通道模拟I/O模块。它的分辨率为 16 位。它的额定电压为 ± 10 伏。它的额定电流为 5 毫安。它可以通过使用DIN导轨安装底座进行安装。该模块用于数模转换,具有偏移二进制和二进制补码字功能。该数模转换器板带有 8 个通道。它带有双缓冲数据锁存器。模块的正面带有一个故障 LED,在设备或组件故障情况下以红色亮起。IC697VAL348模块配有可靠的DIN型输出连接器,并配有多路复用可编程输出。该模块具有跳线同步更新控制功能,并具有欧式卡外形尺寸。
IC697VAL348输入模块提供最大 10 uS 的快速建立时间。在模块安装过程中,系统应正确接地,以免发生触电危险。机箱和机柜应良好接地。安装环境应无空气污染物和微量气体或烟雾。IC697VAL348模块配有 2 个地址选择拨码开关。每个开关代表一个地址位。如果开关处于导通位置,则将地址位与逻辑零位进行比较。内存映射到 I/O 地址空间。I/O模块板配置了工厂二进制编码。它配备了两个 96 针 DIN 型连接器,称为 P1 和 P2,用于将模块连接到 VME 总线的背板。
GE Fanuc 90-70系列IC697VAL348数模转换器板是一种电子转换器,旨在将数字输入转换为模拟输出信号,可根据用户需求用于不同的应用。这种转换产生的信号是一个完美形状的正弦波形,电压范围为-10 V AC至+10 V AC,输出电流额定值约为5 mA。GE Fanuc IC697VAL348数模转换器板具有多种可编程更新模式,例如即时 DAC 更新模式、延迟 DAC 更新模式或测试模式。数模转换可以在 2 种模式下启动:程序模式或外部模式。地址设置是通过一对 DIP 开关完成的。
GE Fanuc IC697VAL348数模转换器板设计用于在 -25 至 +70 摄氏度(-13 至 158 华氏度)的工作温度范围内工作。如果安装在温度较低或较高的工业环境中,制造商强烈建议安装气候控制系统或带有空气过滤器的强制通风系统,以防止外部碎屑或灰尘颗粒穿透模块的保护盖。还应添加过流和短路保护装置,并且它们必须具有正确的额定值和尺寸。GE Fanuc IC697VAL348数模转换器板为每个通道提供数模集成电路(IC)。由于每个通道都可以根据用户的需要进行多路复用,因此可以从每个DAC输出信号馈送不同的电路。
GE IC697VAL348 模拟I/O模块 电子转换器
The IC697VAL348 module is an 8-channel analog I/O module manufactured by GE Fanuc. It has a resolution of 16 bits. It has a voltage rating of ± 10 volts. It has a rated current of 5 MA. It can be installed by using a DIN rail mounting base. This module is used for digital-to-analog conversion and has the function of offset binary and binary complement word. The DAC board has 8 channels. It comes with dual buffered data latches. The front of the module has a fault LED that lights up in red in case of equipment or component failure. The IC697VAL348 module is equipped with a reliable DIN output connector with a multiplexed programmable output. The module has a jumper synchronous update control function and has a European card form factor.
The IC697VAL348 input module provides a fast setup time up to 10 uS. During module installation, the system must be properly grounded to avoid electric shock. The chassis and cabinet must be properly grounded. The installation environment should be free of air pollutants and trace gases or fumes. The IC697VAL348 module is equipped with 2 DIP switches for address selection. Each switch represents an address bit. If the switch is in the on-position, the address bit is compared to the logical zero bit. Memory is mapped to the I/O address space. The I/O module board is configured with factory binary coding. It is equipped with two 96-pin DIN type connectors, called P1 and P2, for connecting the module to the backplane of the VME bus.
GE Fanuc 90-70 Series IC697VAL348 digital-to-analog converter board is an electronic converter designed to convert digital inputs into analog output signals, which can be used for different applications according to user requirements. The signal produced by this conversion is a perfectly shaped sinusoidal waveform with a voltage range of -10 V AC to +10 V AC and an output current rating of about 5 mA. The GE Fanuc IC697VAL348 DAC board has a variety of programmable update modes, such as instant DAC update mode, delayed DAC update mode, or test mode. Digital-to-analog conversion can be initiated in two modes: program mode or external mode. The address setting is done via a pair of DIP switches.
The GE Fanuc IC697VAL348 digital-to-analog converter board is designed to operate in an operating temperature range of -25 to +70 degrees Celsius (-13 to 158 degrees Fahrenheit). If installed in a low or high temperature industrial environment, manufacturers strongly recommend installing a climate control system or a forced ventilation system with an air filter to prevent external debris or dust particles from penetrating the protective cover of the module. Overcurrent and short circuit protection should also be added, and they must have the correct rating and size. The GE Fanuc IC697VAL348 digital-to-analog converter board provides digital-to-analog integrated circuits (ics) for each channel. Since each channel can be multiplexed according to the user's needs, it is possible to feed different circuits with output signals from each DAC.
GE IC697VAL348 模拟I/O模块 电子转换器
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