GE IC697PWR748 机架式电源模块 背板连接器
IC697PWR748模块是由GE Fanuc Automation设计、制造和分销的机架式电源模块。该模块设计为仅以全容量运行,总功率为 90 瓦。它可以通过机架左侧的 48 针背板连接器直接插入机架。该模块可以与一个机架一起使用,也可以同时为第二个机架供电,但前提是它与模块的规格兼容并且不超过最大功率要求。当使用 GE Fanuc Automation IC697PWR748 机架式电源模块为第二个机架供电时,消耗的电流小于 5.2 安培,第二个机架只需要 5 伏的电源。
GE Fanuc Automation IC697PWR748 机架式电源模块带有 3 个输出,每个输出都可以以 5 伏直流和 18 安培、12 伏直流和 1.5 安培以及 -12 伏直流和 1 安培的输出功率和特定电流运行。该模块的标称线路电压为 48 伏直流电,电源电压范围为 35 至 60 伏直流电。GE Fanuc Automation IC697PWR748机架式电源模块为其每个输出提供电子过流限制。如果超过最大额定电流,输出电压将下降。这样做是为了避免过大的电流对机架和电源模块造成进一步损坏。除了插入模块外,用户还需要使用安装螺钉将其固定。这些螺钉随模块一起提供。
额定电压: 48 伏直流电
输入电压范围: 35 至 60 VDC
输入功率: 满载时 160 瓦
输出功率: 90 瓦
底板上的位置: 最左边的插槽
直流输出: +5VDC、+12 VDC、-12 VDC
问题:什么是IC697PWR748?答:IC697PWR748是GE Fanuc 48-90系列的90 VDC、70W电源模块。
问:本机插入哪里? 答: 此机架安装单元可直接插入机架最左侧插槽中的 48 针背板安装连接器。
问题:它提供什么功能? 答: 它提供 +5 V、+12 V 和 -12 V 电源(以及向背板提供逻辑电平排序信号)。
问:此装置能否仅为单个机架应用供电? 答: 不。是的,该装置可以为单个机架应用供电,但也可用于为第二个机架供电(只要总负载在额定电源范围内)。
问:与第二个机架的互连是通过什么? 答: 它是通过预先接线的电缆(如IC697CBL700)。
问:IC697PWR748提供了哪些功能? 答:
工作电压为 48 VDC
3 种输出电压(总计 90W):+5 VDC 输出高达 18 安培,+12 VDC 输出高达 1.5 安培,-12 VDC 输出高达 1 安培
在 5 V 总线上提供电子短路过流保护
2 个机架操作,采用单个电源
问:如果我的IC697PWR748无法正常工作,我的下一步应该是什么? 答: 您的IC697PWR748可能需要维修。
有关 GE Fanuc 697-748 系列的 IC48PWR90 90 VDC、70W 电源模块的更多信息,请参阅数据表用户手册。
GE IC697PWR748 机架式电源模块 背板连接器
The IC697PWR748 module is a rack-mounted power module designed, manufactured and distributed by GE Fanuc Automation. The module is designed to operate only at full capacity, with a total power of 90 watts. It can be inserted directly into the rack via a 48-pin backplane connector on the left side of the rack. The module can be used with one rack or simultaneously to power a second rack, provided it is compatible with the module's specifications and does not exceed the maximum power requirements. When the GE Fanuc Automation IC697PWR748 rack-mount power module is used to power the second rack, the current consumed is less than 5.2 amps, and the second rack requires only 5 volts of power.
The GE Fanuc Automation IC697PWR748 rack-mounted power module comes with 3 outputs, each of which can operate at output power and specific currents of 5 volts DC and 18 amps, 12 volts DC and 1.5 amps, and -12 volts DC and 1 amp. The module has a nominal line voltage of 48 volts DC and a supply voltage range of 35 to 60 volts DC. GE Fanuc Automation IC697PWR748 rack-mounted power modules provide electronic overcurrent limits for each of its outputs. If the maximum rated current is exceeded, the output voltage will drop. This is done to avoid excessive current causing further damage to the rack and power module. In addition to inserting the module, the user also needs to secure it using mounting screws. These screws are supplied with the module.
Technical specification
Rated voltage: 48 volts DC
Input voltage range: 35 to 60 VDC
Input power: 160 watts at full load
Output power: 90 watts
Location on the bottom plate: leftmost slot
Dc output: +5VDC, +12 VDC, -12 VDC
Customer question and answer
Question: What is IC697PWR748? A: The IC697PWR748 is a 90 VDC, 70W power module of the GE Fanuc 48-90 series.
Q: Where to insert the machine? A: The rack mounting unit plugs directly into the 48-pin backplane mounting connector in the left-most slot of the rack.
Q: What does it offer? A: It provides +5 V, +12 V, and -12 V power supplies (as well as a logic level ordering signal to the backplane).
Q: Can this unit power only a single rack application? A: No. Yes, the unit can power a single rack application, but it can also be used to power a second rack (as long as the total load is within the rated power supply range).
Q: What is the interconnect with the second rack? A: It is via a pre-wired cable (e.g. IC697CBL700).
Q: What features does the IC697PWR748 provide? A:
The operating voltage is 48 VDC
3 output voltages (total 90W) : +5 VDC output up to 18 amps, +12 VDC output up to 1.5 amps, and -12 VDC output up to 1 amp
Slide-in rack mount structure
Provides electronic short-circuit overcurrent protection on the 5 V bus
2 rack operation with a single power supply
Q: If my IC697PWR748 is not working properly, what should be my next step? A: Your IC697PWR748 may need repair.
For more information about the GE Fanuc 697-748 series IC48PWR90 90 VDC, 70W power supply module, please refer to the Datasheet User manual.
GE IC697PWR748 机架式电源模块 背板连接器
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