IC697CSE784 可扩展的浮点 CPU 继电器梯形逻辑
模块类型: 可扩展的浮点 CPU
插槽数量: 1 (单插槽)
所需电流: 1.6 安培
点数: 12K 输入和输出(任意混音)
串口: 一
支持: IC660/IC661 I/O 和 IC697 I/O
GE Fanuc 生产 IC697CSE784 可扩展浮点状态逻辑 CPU,作为 90-70 系列产品线的一部分。该模块可以采用不同类型的编程逻辑进行编程,以增强对机器、物料搬运系统和应用过程的实时控制。IC697CSE784模块具有 RS-422 和 RS-485 串行端口,兼容不同的编程和通信目的。它还具有 VME,这是一个旨在为 VME 标准 C.1 提供支持的系统。该模块的内部计时精度为每天 ±3.5 秒,最大运行时钟额定值为 ±0.01%。在测试模块时,操作人员需要IC697CSE784模块、电源和插槽机架才能正确进行测试。当处理器遇到问题时,顶部 LED 会熄灭或闪烁。
GE Fanuc 90-70 系列IC697CSE784可扩展浮点状态逻辑 CPU,允许在继电器梯形逻辑、状态逻辑和 IC 中进行编程,使其能够执行各种应用。如果用户怀疑 IC697CSE784 CPU 有问题,则应将其在运行模式下保持打开状态过夜或至少 24 小时,以查看它是否在运行模式下保持打开状态。如果它在运行模式下没有保持开机状态,那么用户可能需要对其进行维修。此状态逻辑 CPU 是一个 32 位 CPU,它有一个 16 兆赫兹的微处理器。设备顶部的 LED 表示设备运行正常,第二个 LED 表示设备在运行模式下亮起,第三个 LED 表示 CPU 处于输出启用状态,第四个 LED 是“内存保护 LED”。
IC697CSE784 可扩展的浮点 CPU 继电器梯形逻辑
Technical specification
Module type: scalable floating-point CPU
Number of slots: 1 (single slot)
Required current: 1.6 amps
Points: 12K input and output (any mix)
Serial port: one
Support: IC660/IC661 I/O and IC697 I/O
GE Fanuc manufactures the IC697CSE784 scalable floating-point state logic CPU as part of the 90-70 series product line. The module can be programmed with different types of programming logic to enhance real-time control of machines, material handling systems and application processes. The IC697CSE784 module has RS-422 and RS-485 serial ports and is compatible with different programming and communication purposes. It also has VME, a system designed to provide support for the VME standard C.1. The module has an internal timing accuracy of ±3.5 seconds per day and a maximum operating clock rating of ±0.01%. When testing modules, operators need the IC697CSE784 module, power supply, and slot rack to properly test. When the processor encounters a problem, the top LED goes off or flashes.
The GE Fanuc 90-70 series IC697CSE784 scalable floating-point state logic CPU allows programming in relay ladder logic, state logic, and ics, enabling them to perform a variety of applications. If the user suspects a problem with the IC697CSE784 CPU, it should be left on in run mode overnight or for at least 24 hours to see if it remains on in run mode. If it does not stay on while in running mode, then the user may need to repair it. This state logic CPU is a 32-bit CPU that has a 16 MHZ microprocessor. The LED at the top of the device indicates that the device is operating normally, the second LED indicates that the device is lit up in running mode, the third LED indicates that the CPU is output enabled, and the fourth LED is a "memory protection LED."
IC697CSE784 可扩展的浮点 CPU 继电器梯形逻辑
EMERSON 12P1293 | Emerson Ovation | 卡件 | FOXBORO P0926GJ | FOXBORO DCS | 通讯接口线 |
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5X00230G01 | Emerson Ovation | DCS卡件 | FOXBORO P0400DA FBM1 | FOXBORO DCS | PLC 模块 |
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5X00134G01 | Emerson Ovation | 远程输入输出从站模块 | P0400YG FBM6 | FOXBORO DCS | PLC 模块 |
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