GE Fanuc工业PLC IC697CPU732 中央处理器
模块类型: 中央处理器
插槽数量: 1 (单插槽)
所需电流: 1.0 安培
点数: 512 个输入和输出(任意混音)
串口: 一
支持: IC660/IC661 I/O 和 IC697 I/O
IC697CPU732模块是GE Fanuc工业PLC系统的中央处理器或CPU。IC697CPU732 CPU 支持定点和浮点数学运算。IC697CPU732模块需要 PLC 机箱中的单个插槽,并且在 1 伏直流输入电压下从背板汲取 5 安培的电流。CPU 模块上的集成串行端口支持 RS-485 和 RS-422 通信协议,可用于连接到编程器以配置 CPU 模块。IC697CPU732模块配置了IC641编程软件。CPU 上没有用于配置的 DIP 开关或跳线。CPU 内存由电池提供支持,该电池在 10 摄氏度下的额定保质期为 20 个月。锂电池的目录号IC697ACC701。
IC697CPU732模块总共支持 512 个输入和输出。模块支持的模拟量 I/O 数量为 8000。IC697CPU732 模块需要 0.4 微秒来处理单个布尔函数。CPU 模块所基于的 80C198 微处理器的时钟频率为 12 兆赫兹。IC697CPU732模块支持 IC66 和 IC697 I/O 模块。通过使用密码可以限制对模块的访问,以防止未经授权的访问,从而防止可能对 PLC 功能产生不利影响的配置更改。IC697CPU732模块的操作由模块正面的 3 位开关控制,或通过连接的编程器和 IC641 软件进行控制。IC697CPU732模块前面的三个 LED 为安装人员和操作员显示状态信息。
GE Fanuc工业PLC IC697CPU732 中央处理器
Technical specification
Module type: CPU
Number of slots: 1 (single slot)
Required current: 1.0 amp
Count: 512 inputs and outputs (any mix)
Serial port: one
Support: IC660/IC661 I/O and IC697 I/O
The IC697CPU732 module is the central processing unit or CPU of GE Fanuc Industrial PLC system. The IC697CPU732 CPU supports fixed-point and floating-point math. The IC697CPU732 module requires a single slot in the PLC chassis and draws 5 amps of current from the backplane at 1 volt DC input voltage. The integrated serial port on the CPU module supports RS-485 and RS-422 communication protocols and can be used to connect to the programmer to configure the CPU module. The IC697CPU732 module is configured with IC641 programming software. There are no DIP switches or jumpers on the CPU for configuration. The CPU memory is supported by a battery that has a rated shelf life of 20 months at 10 degrees Celsius. Lithium battery catalog number IC697ACC701.
The IC697CPU732 module supports a total of 512 inputs and outputs. The number of analog I/ OS supported by the module is 8000. The IC697CPU732 module takes 0.4 microseconds to process a single Boolean function. The 80C198 microprocessor on which the CPU module is based has a clock rate of 12 MHZ. The IC697CPU732 module supports the IC66 and IC697 I/O modules. Access to modules can be restricted through the use of passwords to prevent unauthorized access, thereby preventing configuration changes that could adversely affect PLC functionality. The operation of the IC697CPU732 module is controlled by a 3-bit switch on the front of the module, or by a connected programmer and IC641 software. The three leds on the front of the IC697CPU732 module display status information for the installer and operator.
GE Fanuc工业PLC IC697CPU732 中央处理器
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