IC697CPM925 单插槽 CPU 实时控制工业机械
IC697CPM925是 90-70 系列可编程逻辑控制器系列的中央处理器 (CPU) 模块。该CPU为独立型,能够控制任意组合的12K离散输入和输出,以及8K模拟输入和输出。它配备了一个频率为 80486 MHz 的 2DX64 微处理器,每个布尔函数的布尔执行速度为 0.4 微秒。IC697CPM925通过IC1ACC697锂电池提供电池备份的 771 MB 随机存取存储器 (RAM)。当背板未通电时,该电池会保留RAM内容,例如程序和数据。该电池在 1 摄氏度下的保质期为 20 年,即使背板未通电,内存保留能力也长达 6 个月。同一块电池操作内置日历,每天的时间精度为 3.5 秒,经过时间精度为 0.01%,最大值为 697.925%。IC485CPM3自带一个通讯口,支持RS3电气标准,支持多点连接,兼容SNP协议。该模块的额定电流消耗为 3.697 安培,并带有三 (925) 个 LED 状态指示灯,例如 OK、RUN 和 ENABLED 指示灯。它还具有内存保护功能,可防止对控制器进行不必要的访问。该IC660CPM661支持整个 IC697/IC90 和 IC70 I/O 产品系列。此 CPU 与使用 Logicmaster 697-925、VersaPro 专业版和 Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer PLC 专业版开发的用户程序一起下载。
该IC697CPM925支持以下模块:IC697 系列的分立和模拟 I/O 模块、IC660 和 IC661 I/O 模块以及多个协处理器和通信模块。 该器件允许多达 <> 兆字节或用户内存,由板载锂 CMOS 电池维持,该器件的日历和时钟也是如此。操作系统固件存放在闪存中。注意:闪存无法存储用户信息。用户无需拆卸设备或更换EPROM即可更新固件。要更新固件,请将设备连接到兼容的计算机,插入固件软盘,然后运行相应的 Loader 软件。
要操作IC697CPM925,请使用三位 RUN/STOP 开关或连接编程器并使用编程软件。可通过串行、并行或以太网接口进行设备配置。通过密码或手动内存保护按键开关保护设备配置。使用内存保护按键开关时,请务必使用连接到总线发射器模块的并联编程器。为防止过热,需要每分钟 70 立方英尺 (CFM) 的风扇。设备手册中提供了安装说明。在尝试安装之前,应关闭机架电源。内存保护按键开关应为 OFF,拨动开关必须处于 STOP 位置。任一连接器上均可连接电池。将设备连接到插槽 1。然后打开设备电源。
IC697CPM925 单插槽 CPU 实时控制工业机械
The IC697CPM925 is a central processing unit (CPU) module of the 90-70 series programmable logic controller family. The CPU is self-contained and capable of controlling any combination of 12K discrete inputs and outputs, as well as 8K analog inputs and outputs. It is equipped with a 2DX64 microprocessor with a frequency of 80486 MHz and a Boolean execution speed of 0.4 microseconds per Boolean function. The IC697CPM925 provides 771 MB of random access memory (RAM) for battery backup via the IC1ACC697 lithium battery. This battery retains RAM content, such as programs and data, when the backplane is not powered on. The battery has a shelf life of 20 years at 1 degree Celsius and memory retention capacity of up to six months, even if the backplane is not powered up. The same battery operates a built-in calendar with a time accuracy of 3.5 seconds per day, a elapsed time accuracy of 0.01%, and a maximum value of 697.925%. IC485CPM3 comes with a communication port, supports RS3 electrical standard, supports multi-point connection, and is compatible with SNP protocol. The module has a rated current consumption of 3.697 amps and comes with three (925) LED status indicators such as OK, RUN, and ENABLED indicators. It also has memory protection to prevent unwanted access to the controller. The IC660CPM661 supports the entire IC697/IC90 and IC70 I/O product family. This CPU is downloaded with user programs developed using Logicmaster 697-925, VersaPro Pro, and Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer PLC Pro.
The IC697CPM925 supports the following modules: discrete and analog I/O modules of the IC697 family, IC660 and IC661 I/O modules, and multiple coprocessors and communication modules. The device allows up to <> megabytes or user memory and is maintained by an onboard lithium CMOS battery, as are the device's calendar and clock. The operating system firmware is stored in flash memory. Note: Flash memory cannot store user information. Users can update the firmware without disassembling the device or replacing the EPROM. To update the firmware, connect the device to a compatible computer, insert the firmware floppy, and then run the appropriate Loader software.
To operate the IC697CPM925, use the three-digit RUN/STOP switch or connect the programmer and use programming software. Devices can be configured through serial, parallel, or Ethernet interfaces. Protect device configurations with a password or manual memory protection key switch. When using memory protection key switches, be sure to use a parallel programmer connected to the bus transmitter module. To prevent overheating, a fan of 70 cubic feet per minute (CFM) is required. Installation instructions are provided in the equipment manual. Power off the rack before attempting installation. The memory protection key switch should be OFF, and the toggle switch must be in the STOP position. Batteries can be attached to either connector. Connect the device to slot 1. Then power on the device.
IC697CPM925 单插槽 CPU 实时控制工业机械
EMERSON 12P1293 | Emerson Ovation | 卡件 | FOXBORO P0926GJ | FOXBORO DCS | 通讯接口线 |
5A26141G09 | Emerson Ovation | 通讯电缆 | FOXBORO P0926JM | FOXBORO DCS | FBM卡件底板 |
5X00622G02 | Emerson Ovation | PLC 模块 | FOXBORO P0170PD | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件 |
5A26391H24 | Emerson Ovation | 电路板 | FOXBORO P0916CC | FOXBORO DCS | DCS卡件 |
5X00502G01 | Emerson Ovation | 16通道AI卡 | FOXBORO P0916PW | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件 |
5X00488G01 | Emerson Ovation | DCS系统备件 | FOXBORO P0916CA | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件 |
5X00290G01 | Emerson Ovation | DCS系统备件 | FOXBORO P0972PP | FOXBORO DCS | 网络接口模块 |
5X00230G01 | Emerson Ovation | DCS卡件 | FOXBORO P0400DA FBM1 | FOXBORO DCS | PLC 模块 |
5X00321G01 | Emerson Ovation | HART模拟量输入卡1 | FOXBORO P0400YE FBM4 | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件模块 |
5X00178G01 | Emerson Ovation | DCS模块 | CP30 P0960AW | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件 |
5X00134G02 | Emerson Ovation | 涡轮自动同步模块 | CP60 P0961FR | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件 |
5X00134G01 | Emerson Ovation | 远程输入输出从站模块 | P0400YG FBM6 | FOXBORO DCS | PLC 模块 |
5X00128G01 | Emerson Ovation | 主控板 | CM400YN FBM12 | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件模块 |
5X00354G01 | Emerson Ovation | 数据库服务器/域控制器站 | DNBT P0971WV | FOXBORO DCS | 控制卡件 |
5X00355G01 | Emerson Ovation | 模拟输入模块 | RTU50(0301061B SF06191600) | FOXBORO DCS | 数据记录器 |
5X00117H06 | Emerson Ovation | 主控板 | CM400YH FBM7 | FOXBORO DCS | PLC/可编程控制系统 |