GE Fanuc IC697CPM915 单插槽可编程CPU模块 以太网模块
模块类型: 浮点 CPU
插槽数量: 1 (单插槽)
点数: 12K 输入和输出(任意混音)
支持: IC660/IC661 I/O 和 IC697 I/O
串口: 一
所需电流: 2.8 安培标称值
GE Fanuc IC697CPM915模块是一个单插槽可编程CPU模块。IC697CPM915模块可以使用基于Windows或MS-DOS的软件进行配置,以控制物料搬运系统、机器和过程。CPU 编程通过以太网或 SNP 端口执行。通过以太网进行编程器连接需要安装可选的以太网模块。IC697CPM915 模块使用 VME C.1 标准格式通过机架背板与选件模块和 I/O 进行通信。该IC697CPM915与IC697CHS750、IC697CHS782、IC697CHS783、IC697CHS790和IC697CHS791机架兼容。IC697CPM915模块只能安装在机架的插槽 1 中。IC697CPM915模块的操作由 RUN/STOP 开关控制,或通过连接到 CPU 模块上的 RS-422/RS-485 串行端口的编程器进行远程控制。
IC697CPM915 CPU 模块上提供四个绿色 LED,用于显示 CPU 状态。IC697CPM915 模块是一个 32 兆赫兹 CPU 模块,支持浮点运算。模块上的用户内存为 1 MB。安装在模块上的锂电池为存储在用户内存中的数据提供电池备份。当 PLC 机架未通电时,标称内存保留时间为 6 个月。闪存用于存储系统固件。IC697CPM915模块设计用于GE Fanuc 60-70系列PLC系统。IC697CPM915模块的电流消耗为 2.8 安培(标称值),来自 5 伏直流母线。可用的选件模块包括所有 IC697 LAN 模块、众多协处理器模块以及用于 IC660、IC661 I/O 和 IC697 系列模拟和离散 I/O 模块的总线控制器。
GE Fanuc IC697CPM915 单插槽可编程CPU模块 以太网模块
Technical specification
Module type: floating point CPU
Number of slots: 1 (single slot)
Points: 12K input and output (any mix)
Support: IC660/IC661 I/O and IC697 I/O
Serial port: one
Required current: 2.8 amps nominal value
The GE Fanuc IC697CPM915 module is a single-slot programmable CPU module. The IC697CPM915 module can be configured using Windows or MS-DOs-based software to control material handling systems, machines, and processes. CPU programming is performed over Ethernet or SNP ports. Programmer connection over Ethernet requires the installation of an optional Ethernet module. The IC697CPM915 module communicates with the option module and I/O through the rack backplane using the VME C.1 standard format. The IC697CPM915 is compatible with the IC697CHS750, IC697CHS782, IC697CHS783, IC697CHS790, and IC697CHS791 racks. The IC697CPM915 module can be installed only in slot 1 of the rack. The operation of the IC697CPM915 module is controlled by the RUN/STOP switch or remotely via a programmer connected to the RS-422/RS-485 serial port on the CPU module.
Four green leds are provided on the IC697CPM915 CPU module to display the CPU status. The IC697CPM915 module is a 32 MHZ CPU module that supports floating-point arithmetic. The user memory on the module is 1 MB. A lithium battery mounted on the module provides battery backup for data stored in the user's memory. When the PLC rack is not powered on, the nominal memory retention time is 6 months. Flash memory is used to store system firmware. The IC697CPM915 module is designed for GE Fanuc 60-70 series PLC systems. The current consumption of the IC697CPM915 module is 2.8 amps (nominal value) from the 5 volt DC bus. Available option modules include all IC697 LAN modules, numerous coprocessor modules, and bus controllers for the IC660, IC661 I/O, and IC697 series analog and discrete I/O modules.
GE Fanuc IC697CPM915 单插槽可编程CPU模块 以太网模块
EMERSON 12P1293 | Emerson Ovation | 卡件 | FOXBORO P0926GJ | FOXBORO DCS | 通讯接口线 |
5A26141G09 | Emerson Ovation | 通讯电缆 | FOXBORO P0926JM | FOXBORO DCS | FBM卡件底板 |
5X00622G02 | Emerson Ovation | PLC 模块 | FOXBORO P0170PD | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件 |
5A26391H24 | Emerson Ovation | 电路板 | FOXBORO P0916CC | FOXBORO DCS | DCS卡件 |
5X00502G01 | Emerson Ovation | 16通道AI卡 | FOXBORO P0916PW | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件 |
5X00488G01 | Emerson Ovation | DCS系统备件 | FOXBORO P0916CA | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件 |
5X00290G01 | Emerson Ovation | DCS系统备件 | FOXBORO P0972PP | FOXBORO DCS | 网络接口模块 |
5X00230G01 | Emerson Ovation | DCS卡件 | FOXBORO P0400DA FBM1 | FOXBORO DCS | PLC 模块 |
5X00321G01 | Emerson Ovation | HART模拟量输入卡1 | FOXBORO P0400YE FBM4 | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件模块 |
5X00178G01 | Emerson Ovation | DCS模块 | CP30 P0960AW | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件 |
5X00134G02 | Emerson Ovation | 涡轮自动同步模块 | CP60 P0961FR | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件 |
5X00134G01 | Emerson Ovation | 远程输入输出从站模块 | P0400YG FBM6 | FOXBORO DCS | PLC 模块 |
5X00128G01 | Emerson Ovation | 主控板 | CM400YN FBM12 | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件模块 |
5X00354G01 | Emerson Ovation | 数据库服务器/域控制器站 | DNBT P0971WV | FOXBORO DCS | 控制卡件 |
5X00355G01 | Emerson Ovation | 模拟输入模块 | RTU50(0301061B SF06191600) | FOXBORO DCS | 数据记录器 |
5X00117H06 | Emerson Ovation | 主控板 | CM400YH FBM7 | FOXBORO DCS | PLC/可编程控制系统 |