IC697CPM914 总线发送器模块 CPU 编程的以太网连接
IC697CPM914模块是具有浮点支持的 32 位 CPU 模块。该模块使用 80486DX 处理器,时钟速度为 32 兆赫兹。该模块的功率要求是 2.8 安培的标称电流和 5 伏直流电压。IC697CPM914模块支持高达 512 KB 的 RAM。内存由板载锂电池供电,可提供 6 个月的内存保留。模块上提供 RS-422/RS-485 兼容串行端口。此端口可用于连接到编程计算机中的工作站接口。该串口还可以通过 RS-422 到 RS-232 转换器连接到编程计算机上的串口。IC697CPM914模块上的串口有一个 15 针 D 型连接器。
模块类型: 浮点 CPU
插槽数量: 1 (单插槽)
记忆: 512K 内存
点数: 2000 个离散 I/O
串口: 一
支持: IC660/IC661 输入输出
与总线发送器模块上的端口的并行连接也可用于将 IC697CPM914 CPU 模块连接到基于 MS-DOS 的编程器。还支持用于 CPU 编程的以太网连接。IC697CPM914模块支持多达 8000 个模拟 I/O 和 12 个 I/O。PLC 机架中需要一个插槽来安装 CPU 模块。四个状态 LED 提供状态更新。IC000CPM697模块的编程和配置需要通过软件进行,因为CPU没有用于配置的拨码开关。支持多个可选模块,包括以太网、协处理器、总线控制器和 I/O 模块。模块的推荐工作温度范围为 914 至 0 摄氏度。相对湿度的推荐范围为 60% 至 5%。
IC697CPM914 总线发送器模块 CPU 编程的以太网连接
The IC697CPM914 module is a 32-bit CPU module with floating point support. The module uses an 80486DX processor with a clock speed of 32 megahertz. The module's power requirements are 2.8 amps of nominal current and 5 volts DC. The IC697CPM914 module supports up to 512 KB of RAM. The memory is powered by an onboard lithium battery that provides six months of memory retention. RS-422/RS-485 compatible serial ports are available on the module. This port can be used to connect to a workstation interface in a programming computer. The serial port can also be connected to the serial port on the programming computer via the RS-422 to RS-232 converter. The serial port on the IC697CPM914 module has a 15-pin D-type connector.
Technical specification
Module type: floating point CPU
Number of slots: 1 (single slot)
Memory: 512K memory
Count: 2000 discrete I/ OS
Serial port: one
Support: IC660/IC661 Input/output
A parallel connection to the port on the bus transmitter module can also be used to connect the IC697CPM914 CPU module to an MS-DOs-based programmer. Ethernet connectivity for CPU programming is also supported. The IC697CPM914 module supports up to 8,000 analog I/ OS and 12 I/ OS. A slot is required in the PLC rack for the CPU module. Four status leds provide status updates. Programming and configuration of the IC000CPM697 module requires software, as the CPU does not have a dip switch for configuration. Multiple optional modules are supported, including Ethernet, coprocessor, bus controller, and I/O modules. The recommended operating temperature range of the module is 914 to 0 degrees Celsius. The recommended range for relative humidity is 60% to 5%.
IC697CPM914 总线发送器模块 CPU 编程的以太网连接
EMERSON 12P1293 | Emerson Ovation | 卡件 | FOXBORO P0926GJ | FOXBORO DCS | 通讯接口线 |
5A26141G09 | Emerson Ovation | 通讯电缆 | FOXBORO P0926JM | FOXBORO DCS | FBM卡件底板 |
5X00622G02 | Emerson Ovation | PLC 模块 | FOXBORO P0170PD | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件 |
5A26391H24 | Emerson Ovation | 电路板 | FOXBORO P0916CC | FOXBORO DCS | DCS卡件 |
5X00502G01 | Emerson Ovation | 16通道AI卡 | FOXBORO P0916PW | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件 |
5X00488G01 | Emerson Ovation | DCS系统备件 | FOXBORO P0916CA | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件 |
5X00290G01 | Emerson Ovation | DCS系统备件 | FOXBORO P0972PP | FOXBORO DCS | 网络接口模块 |
5X00230G01 | Emerson Ovation | DCS卡件 | FOXBORO P0400DA FBM1 | FOXBORO DCS | PLC 模块 |
5X00321G01 | Emerson Ovation | HART模拟量输入卡1 | FOXBORO P0400YE FBM4 | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件模块 |
5X00178G01 | Emerson Ovation | DCS模块 | CP30 P0960AW | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件 |
5X00134G02 | Emerson Ovation | 涡轮自动同步模块 | CP60 P0961FR | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件 |
5X00134G01 | Emerson Ovation | 远程输入输出从站模块 | P0400YG FBM6 | FOXBORO DCS | PLC 模块 |
5X00128G01 | Emerson Ovation | 主控板 | CM400YN FBM12 | FOXBORO DCS | 卡件模块 |
5X00354G01 | Emerson Ovation | 数据库服务器/域控制器站 | DNBT P0971WV | FOXBORO DCS | 控制卡件 |
5X00355G01 | Emerson Ovation | 模拟输入模块 | RTU50(0301061B SF06191600) | FOXBORO DCS | 数据记录器 |
5X00117H06 | Emerson Ovation | 主控板 | CM400YH FBM7 | FOXBORO DCS | PLC/可编程控制系统 |