IC697CMM711 通信协处理器模块 单插槽模块
IC697CMM711是GE 90-30系列的单插槽通信协处理器模块(CMM)。该模块标配软开关配置(无需开关和/或跳线)、三个状态 LED、按钮复位控制和两个串行端口。该模块使用 12 Mhz、80C186 微处理器。此外,不需要电池。
CMM 是通信模块系列的一部分,演示通信控制 (CCM)、远程终端 (RTU) 和通用 IC69 通信 (SNP) 功能。CCM、RTU 和 SNP 在以下九种可能配置中的任何一种或两个串行端口上可用:CCM/CCM、CCM/RTU、RTU/CCM、RTU/RTU、SNP/SNP、SNP/CCM、CCM/SNP、SNP/RTU 和 RTU/SNP。该模块提供 RS-232 和 RS-485 接口,并通过背板与 PLC CPU 通信。一台IC697 PLC系统中可以放置多台三坐标测量机。
IC697CMM711 CMM 在 CCM 操作模式下允许的功能包括寄存器、输入和输出表的读/写、输入和输出的位设置/清除、暂存器的读取、用于快速读取的 Q 序列命令以及诊断状态字修改。在主/对等 CCM 配置中,CMM 通过应用梯形图程序通信请求启动与远程设备的通信。
IC697CMM711模块的状态可通过三个 LED 查看。串行端口的活动在端口 1 LED 和端口 2 LED 中标识。模块通电时,顶部 LED 将闪烁,一旦有效完成诊断,顶部 LED 将保持亮起。顶部 LED 将始终识别模块状态。
模块类型: 通信协处理器
插槽数量: 一个(单插槽)
连接到: MS-DOS 或 Windows 编程
串口: 2
所需电流: 0.7 安培
GE Fanuc 的 IC697CMM711 模块是一种工业通信协处理器模块,也称为 CCM。它是 GE Fanuc 90-70 系列可编程逻辑控制器或 PLC 组件和配件产品线的一部分。IC697CMM711通信协处理器模块可以支持的通信协议有主、从、对等CCM协议、主从SNP和SNPX协议、从RTU Modbus通信协议。该模块带有 1 个插槽和一个用于重置的按钮。它不需要电池。IC697CMM711模块不需要跳线或开关进行配置。相反,可以使用软交换配置方法对其进行配置。该通信协处理器模块带有 2 个串行端口,可以是 RS-232 或 RS-422/RS-485 串行端口。
GE Fanuc 系列 90-70 IC697CMM711通信协处理器模块使用 80C186 微处理器,以 12 Mhz 的速率运行。可以在单个可编程逻辑控制器系统中安装多个通信协处理器模块,以最大限度地提高控制器系统的通信选项。IC1CMM697模块和PLC系统中的所有其他CCM通过背板与PLC的CPU进行通信。此模块上有 711 个 LED。其中一个 LED 显示模块的当前状况,而其他 3 个 LED 显示模块的 2 个串行端口的活动。端口 LED 标记为端口 2 LED 和端口 1 LED。该模块可以安装在机架中,只有在机架电源断开时才能安装。
IC697CMM711 通信协处理器模块 单插槽模块
Product description
The IC697CMM711 is a single-slot communications coprocessor module (CMM) in the GE 90-30 series. The module comes standard with a soft-switch configuration (no switches and/or jumpers required), three status leds, push-button reset control, and two serial ports. The module uses a 12 Mhz, 80C186 microprocessor. In addition, no batteries are required.
The CMM is part of a family of communication modules that demonstrate Communication control (CCM), Remote Terminal (RTU), and universal IC69 communication (SNP) capabilities. CCM, RTU, and SNP are available on any or both of the following nine possible configurations: CCM/CCM, CCM/RTU, RTU/CCM, RTU/RTU, SNP/SNP, SNP/CCM, SNP/RTU, and RTU/SNP. The module provides RS-232 and RS-485 interfaces and communicates with the PLC CPU through the backplane. One IC697 PLC system can place multiple CMM.
The functions allowed by the IC697CMM711 CMM in CCM operating mode include register, input and output table read/write, input and output bit set/clear, register read, Q sequence command for fast read, and diagnostic status word modification. In a master/peer CCM configuration, the CMM initiates communication with a remote device by applying a ladder diagram communication request.
The status of the IC697CMM711 module can be viewed with three leds. The activity of the serial port is identified in the port 1 LED and port 2 LED. When the module is powered on, the top LED will flash, and once the diagnosis is effectively completed, the top LED will remain lit. The top LED will always recognize the module status.
Technical specification
Module type: communication coprocessor
Number of slots: One (single slot)
Protocols: CCM, RTU, SNP and SNPx
Connect to: MS-DOS or Windows Programming
Serial port: 2
Required current: 0.7 amps
GE Fanuc's IC697CMM711 module is an industrial communications coprocessor module, also known as CCM. It is part of the GE Fanuc 90-70 series of programmable logic controller or PLC components and accessories line. IC697CMM711 communication coprocessor module can support the communication protocols of master, slave, peer CCM protocol, master slave SNP and SNPX protocol, slave RTU Modbus communication protocol. The module comes with a slot and a button for reset. It doesn't need batteries. The IC697CMM711 module does not require jumpers or switches to configure. Instead, you can configure it using the softswitch configuration method. The communication coprocessor module comes with two serial ports, which can be RS-232 or RS-422/RS-485 serial ports.
The GE Fanuc Series 90-70 IC697CMM711 communication coprocessor module uses an 80C186 microprocessor and operates at 12 Mhz. Multiple communication coprocessor modules can be installed in a single programmable logic controller system to maximize the communication options of the controller system. The IC1CMM697 module and all other CCMS in the PLC system communicate with the PLC's CPU via a backplane. There are 711 leds on this module. One of the leds shows the current status of the module, while the other 3 leds show the activity of the 2 serial ports of the module. Port leds are labeled as port 2 leds and port 1 leds. The module can be installed in a rack and can only be installed when the rack power supply is disconnected.
IC697CMM711 通信协处理器模块 单插槽模块
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