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IC697CHS791 九插槽模块机架 采用接线端子板

IC697CHS791 九插槽模块机架 采用接线端子板 【产品详情】 产品描述IC697CHS791 是 GE Fanuc 系列中的 9 插槽前置 PLC 机架。IC697CHS791前置机架与所有 IC697 PLC 模块类型兼容。IC697CHS791机架安装在标准的 19 英寸机架中。此机架设计用于 CPU 和 I/O 配置。IC697CHS791机架上的所有插槽均为 1.6 英寸宽,但电






IC697CHS791 九插槽模块机架 采用接线端子板






IC697CHS791 是 GE Fanuc 系列中的 9 插槽前置 PLC 机架。IC697CHS791前置机架与所有 IC697 PLC 模块类型兼容。IC697CHS791机架安装在标准的 19 英寸机架中。此机架设计用于 CPU 和 I/O 配置。IC697CHS791机架上的所有插槽均为 1.6 英寸宽,但电源插槽的宽度为 2.4 英寸。IC697CHS791机架配备了插槽感应功能,这是为 IC697 PLC 创建的机架式 I/O 模块所必需的。 机架式 IC697 高密度 I/O 模块安装在IC697CHS791的 9 插槽机架中。模块采用接线端子板,每个I/O模块容量最大可达40 AWG线。这组电线穿过接线板腔,其中提供夹板以将电线固定到接线板外壳上。

在机械键控过程中,为了避免意外地将一种模块类型换成另一种模块类型,为每种模块类型设计了一个键。将模块插入IC697CHS791机架后,钥匙将锁定在机架的中间导轨上,一旦模块被移除,钥匙将停留在那里。机架插槽设计用于将正确的模块类型放置在该插槽中。如果需要将模块移动到机架中的另一个位置,可以通过向上推动来卸下钥匙。这将释放闩锁。当系统中有多个机架时,所有机架都会收到一个介于 0-7 之间的数字,其中 CPU 机架始终为 0。位于IC697CHS791机架背板上的四个二进制编程跳线是 PLC 确定每个机架编号的派生点。


模块类型: 标准机架

安装位置: 前(机架)

插槽数量: 9(加电源)

类型: 双倍宽度

尺寸: 11.15 x 19.00 x 7.5 英寸(高 x 宽 x 深)

使用的内部功率: 20 安培 @ 5 VDC在 GE IC697CHS791 9 插槽标准机架上,有一个电源连接器位于连接机架电源模块的所有模块插槽的左侧。电源可以是交流电源或直流电源。该机架还可以连接到另一个机架,它们可以在扩展的 I/O 应用设置中共享一个电源,并且可以通过 GE 电源扩展电缆套件实现这种连接。IC697CHS791 9 插槽机架需要来自 I/O 总线的 0.5 安培电流。它托管的模块通过机械键控固定到位。如有必要,可以移除已锁定到位的模块,但锁定会阻止它们被轻松移除、安装在错误的插槽中或用于更换错误的模块。


IC697CHS791   九插槽模块机架 采用接线端子板






Product description

The IC697CHS791 is a 9-slot front PLC rack in the GE Fanuc series. The IC697CHS791 front rack is compatible with all IC697 PLC module types. The IC697CHS791 rack is installed in a standard 19-inch rack. This rack is designed for CPU and I/O configurations. All slots on the IC697CHS791 rack are 1.6 inches wide, but the power slot is 2.4 inches wide. The IC697CHS791 rack is equipped with slot sensing, which is necessary for the rack-mounted I/O module created for the IC697 PLC. The rack-mounted IC697 high-density I/O module is installed in the 9-slot rack of the IC697CHS791. Modules use terminal blocks and each I/O module has a capacity of up to 40 AWG cables. This set of wires passes through a patch board cavity where a cleat is provided to secure the wires to the patch board housing.

In order to avoid accidentally swapping one module type for another during mechanical keying, a key is designed for each module type. After inserting the module into the IC697CHS791 frame, the key will lock onto the middle rail of the frame, where it will stay once the module is removed. The rack slot is designed to place the correct module type in this slot. If you need to move the module to another location in the rack, you can remove the key by pushing it up. This will release the latch. When there are multiple racks in the system, all racks receive a number between 0 and 7, where the CPU rack is always 0. The four binaries programmed jumpers located on the backplane of the IC697CHS791 frame are the derivation points from which the PLC determines the number of each frame.

Technical specification

Module type: Standard rack

Installation position: Front (rack)

Number of slots: 9 (plus power)

Type: Double width

Dimensions: 11.15 x 19.00 x 7.5 inches (H x W x D)

Internal power used: 20 amps @ 5 VDC On the GE IC697CHS791 standard rack with slot 9, there is a power connector located to the left of all module slots that connect the rack's power modules. The power supply can be AC or DC. The rack can also be connected to another rack, and they can share a power supply in an extended I/O application setup, and this connection can be achieved through the GE Power expansion cable suite. The IC697CHS791 9-slot rack requires 0.5 amps of current from the I/O bus. It hosts modules that are held in place by mechanical keying. Modules locked in place can be removed if necessary, but locking prevents them from being easily removed, installed in the wrong slot, or used to replace the wrong module.


IC697CHS791   九插槽模块机架 采用接线端子板






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标签: IC697CHS791







采购:IC697CHS791 九插槽模块机架 采用接线端子板