GE IC670CHS103 I/O基础单元 现场控制单元
IC670CHS103 I/O基本单元为模块安装提供了各种键控位置,它包括所有必要的键和工具套件。I/O终端块具有键槽和键夹,有助于轻松安装模块。IC670CHS103基本单元支持安装在I类,2类,A/B/C/D组评级的环境中,这些环境通常是非危险环境。该设备也可以在危险区域使用,但在拆除或更换其承载的模块等任何行动之前,需要关闭该设备。IC670CHS103工作电压为115伏交流或125伏直流,输入频率为47至63赫兹。该装置消耗48伏安或24瓦的功率,具体取决于所使用的电源类型。基本单元在其峰值时具有20安培的涌流,并且需要长达20毫秒的保持时间。
GE IC670CHS103 I/O基础单元 现场控制单元
The Field Control IC670CHS103 base is an I/O base unit designed to be used with other field control units manufactured by GE Fanuc. The I/O terminal block that can be installed on this base unit includes the terminal for the barrier, which supports the secure installation of the module to avoid generating the wrong type of data. The IC670CHS103 base unit allows modules to be plugged in and out without power without affecting other devices installed on the I/O station. In other words, in order to change the module on the terminal block, the power does not have to be turned off. The IC670CHS103 base unit is compatible with field control units of the IC670, IC670CH, and IC670CHS series.
The IC670CHS103 I/O base unit provides a variety of keyed locations for module installation and includes all the necessary keys and tool kits. The I/O terminal block has keyways and key clamps to facilitate easy module installation. The IC670CHS103 base unit supports installation in Class I, Class 2, Group A/B/C/D rated environments, which are generally non-hazardous environments. The device can also be used in hazardous areas, but it needs to be turned off before any action such as removing or replacing the module it is carrying. The IC670CHS103 operates at 115 volts AC or 125 volts DC with input frequencies of 47 to 63 Hz. The unit consumes 48 volt-amps or 24 watts of power, depending on the type of power supply used. The base unit has a surge current of 20 amps at its peak and requires a hold time of up to 20 milliseconds.
GE IC670CHS103 I/O基础单元 现场控制单元
3A99160G02 | Emerson Ovation | 模拟量输出卡 | EMERSON MP1850A4 | Emerson Ovation | 直流驱动器 |
1X00781H01L | Emerson Ovation | 电源模块 | EMERSON MP1200A6R | Emerson Ovation | 直流驱动器 |
1X00188H01 5X00167G01 | Emerson Ovation | 模拟量输入模块 | EMERSON MP1200A6 | Emerson Ovation | CT直流调速器接口板 |
1C31233G02 | Emerson Ovation | 模拟量输出模块 | EMERSON MP1200A5R | Emerson Ovation | CT直流调速器 |
1C31234G01 | Emerson Ovation | 接口模块 | EMERSON MP1200A5 | Emerson Ovation | CT直流调速器接口板 |
1C31233G01 | Emerson Ovation | SOE卡 | EMERSON MP1200A4R | Emerson Ovation | 直流驱动器 |
1C31223G01 | Emerson Ovation | 继电器输出模块 | EMERSON IS561410N | Emerson Ovation | 卡件 |
1C31222G01/1C31219G01 | Emerson Ovation | 继电器输出模块 | EMERSON SP6401-EZ | Emerson Ovation | CT驱动器 |
1C31222G01 | Emerson Ovation | 继电器输出底座-高功率 | EMERSON SP6402-EZ | Emerson Ovation | 变频器 |
1C31219G01 | Emerson Ovation | 继电器输出逻辑模块 | EMERSON IS561200N | Emerson Ovation | 卡件 |
1C31204G01 | Emerson Ovation | 远程I/O模块 | EMERSON 4867955 | Emerson Ovation | 卡件 |
1C31201G01 | Emerson Ovation | 模拟量输入卡 | 1C31110G01 | Emerson Ovation | PLC卡件 |