GE IC695PSD040 电源模块 电路供电
该IC695PSD040是一个电源模块,设计用于艾默生自动化的 PACSystem RX3i 系列,该系列以前由 GE Intelligent Platforms (GE IP) 提供。该模块的输入电压要求为模块启动的 18-30 VDC,模块运行的输入电压要求为 12-30 VDC。它设计用于满载运行时的最大输入功率为 60 瓦。该机架电源提供 5.1 VDC 的输出电压,最大输出为 30 瓦,3.3 VDC 的最大输出功率为 30 瓦,而模块的最大输出功率不超过 40 瓦。此外,电源的输出电流在 0.6 VDC 时为 5-1 安培,在 0.9 VDC 时为 3-3 安培。该IC695PSD040还具有 24 VDC 输出,用户可以利用该输出为继电器输出模块上的电路供电。
此机架电源安装在通用底板的插槽 0 上。每个背板只需要此模块的 1 个实例,但是,此模块不兼容在冗余电源组件或增加容量模式下使用。因此,如果机架功率需求超过IC695PSD040的输出能力,则必须将RX3i模块安装到单独的背板上以管理电源负载。该电源模块虽然也支持菊花链连接,其中最多可以连接两 (2) 个IC695PSD040,但这不会增加设备的输出容量。
IC695PSD040的穿越时间为 10 毫秒。此功能是指电源从输入功率波动到最低水平以下或完全丢失时保持可接受的输出水平的能力。
IC695PSD040是由GE Fanuc Automation制造的电源模块,包含在RX3i PACSystem中。该电源模块的主要目的是为背板供电。它在 40 伏直流电的电压范围内提供高达 18 瓦的功率 30 瓦。GE Fanuc自动化IC695PSD040电源模块具有3种不同的输出,额定电压为5.1 VDC;3.3 伏直流和 24 伏直流。该模块还包括一个继电器输出,可用于为配置为用作输出继电器模块的电路供电。它还具有 3.3 伏直流的特定输出电压,旨在用于连接到该电路的 RX3i 模块之间。
GE IC695PSD040 电源模块 电路供电
The IC695PSD040 is a power module designed for use in Emerson Automation's PACSystem RX3i family, which was previously offered by GE Intelligent Platforms (GE IP). The input voltage of the module is required to be 18-30 VDC for module startup and 12-30 VDC for module operation. It is designed for full load operation with a maximum input power of 60 watts. The rack power supply provides 5.1 VDC output voltage with a maximum output of 30 watts, 3.3 VDC with a maximum output of 30 watts, and modules with a maximum output of no more than 40 watts. In addition, the output current of the power supply is 5-1 amps at 0.6 VDC and 3-3 amps at 0.9 VDC. The IC695PSD040 also has a 24 VDC output that the user can use to power the circuit on the relay output module.
The rack power supply is installed in slot 0 of the common baseplate. Only 1 instance of this module is required per backplane, however, this module is not compatible for use in redundant power components or increased capacity mode. Therefore, if the rack power requirements exceed the output capacity of the IC695PSD040, the RX3i module must be mounted on a separate backplane to manage the power load. The power module also supports Daisy chain connections, where up to two (2) IC695PSD040 can be connected, but this does not increase the output capacity of the device.
The IC695PSD040 has a traverse time of 10 milliseconds. This function refers to the ability of the power supply to maintain an acceptable output level when it fluctuates from input power to below the lowest level or is lost completely.
The IC695PSD040 is a power module manufactured by GE Fanuc Automation and included in the RX3i PACSystem. The main purpose of the power module is to supply power to the midplane. It delivers up to 18 watts of power 30 watts in a voltage range of 40 volts DC. GE Fanuc Automation IC695PSD040 power module with 3 different outputs, rated voltage 5.1 VDC; 3.3 volts DC and 24 volts DC. The module also includes a relay output that can be used to power circuits configured to be used as output relay modules. It also has a specific output voltage of 3.3 volts DC, designed to be used between the RX3i modules connected to this circuit.
GE IC695PSD040 电源模块 电路供电
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 33018090003300 | 模拟模块 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 330180-90-00 | 伺服阀 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 330180-51-05NSFP3301805105 | 分撒控制 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 330180-51-05 | 控制器主单元 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 330180-51-00 | 使用手册通讯工控模块卡件PLC/DCS备件 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 330180-50-05 | DCS备件 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 330180-50-00 | 控制板卡 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 3301740008100200 | 板卡 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 330173-00-18-10-02-05 | 控制器模块 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 3301730004100100 | 触发板 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 3301730002100200 | 传感器 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 3301712040050200 | 船舶伺服模块 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 3301710420050200 | 控制器 | Bently Nevada |