GE IC695PRS015 压力传感器模块 背板隔离
IC695PRS015压力传感器模块由GE Fanuc制造,是RX3i PacSystem系列的一部分。该模块扩展了 RX3i 系统串行通信功能,可与多达 15 个霍尼韦尔智能压力传感器进行通信。
IC695PRS015模块是压力传感器模块。它是GE Fanuc的产品,属于RX3i PacSystem产品线。它用于扩展 RX3i PacSystem 设置的串行通信功能,它具有单个插槽和一个 RJ-45 端口,可与多达 15 个霍尼韦尔 (LG1237) 智能压力传感器进行通信。该模块的额定功耗额定值为 0.7 安培(3.3 伏直流时)或 0.115 安培(5 伏直流时),主 CPU 背板最多支持 4 个模块,最小通道间串扰为 -55 dB,最大过电压为 -/+ 25 伏,波特率为 375 千波特。IC695PRS015模块提供独立的隔离串口,主RX3i背板最多只能包含4个压力传感器模块。
IC695PRS015压力传感器模块的其他显著特点包括端口到背板隔离、用于升级的闪存、对热插入和热拔除的支持以及RS-485通信端口。它还从 LED 指示灯接收模块状态、身份和故障报告。GE Fanuc IC695PRS015压力传感器模块位于RX3i PacSystem通用背板中。它带有LED指示灯,即“模块正常”,“端口故障”和“端口状态”指示灯。“模块正常”LED 指示灯显示模块的状态。当模块未通过自检或未从 RX3i PacSystem 底板通电时,它将关闭。配置模块后,“MODULE OK”指示灯变为绿色,当模块执行电源诊断时,它快速闪烁绿色,当模块未从CPU正确配置时,它缓慢闪烁绿色。“端口故障”LED 指示灯以绿灯显示端口状态,表示无故障或端口已启用,并呈琥珀色亮起表示端口故障。
GE IC695PRS015 压力传感器模块 背板隔离
The IC695PRS015 pressure sensor module is manufactured by GE Fanuc and is part of the RX3i PacSystem family. The module extends the RX3i system's serial communication capabilities to communicate with up to 15 Honeywell smart pressure sensors.
The IC695PRS015 module is a pressure sensor module. It is a product of GE Fanuc and belongs to the RX3i PacSystem product line. It is used to extend the serial communication capabilities of the RX3i PacSystem setup, and it has a single slot and an RJ-45 port to communicate with up to 15 Honeywell (LG1237) smart pressure sensors. The module has a power rating of 0.7 amps (3.3 volts DC) or 0.115 amps (5 volts DC), the main CPU backplane supports up to four modules, a minimum channel to channel cross-talk of -55 dB, a maximum overvoltage of -/+ 25 volts, and a baud rate of 375 kV. The IC695PRS015 module provides an independent isolation serial port, and the main RX3i backplane can contain a maximum of four pressure sensor modules.
Other notable features of the IC695PRS015 pressure sensor module include port to backplane isolation, flash memory for upgrades, support for hot insertion and hot removal, and an RS-485 communication port. It also receives module status, identity and fault reports from LED indicators. The GE Fanuc IC695PRS015 pressure sensor module is located in the RX3i PacSystem universal backplane. It comes with LED indicators, i.e. "Module normal", "Port fault" and "Port status" indicators. "Module Normal" LED indicator shows the status of the module. When the module does not pass the self-test or is not powered from the RX3i PacSystem baseboard, it will shut down. After the MODULE is configured, the "MODULE OK" indicator turns green, blinks green quickly when the module is performing power diagnostics, and blinks green slowly when the module is not correctly configured from the CPU. The Port Failure LED indicator shows the port status green, indicating that there is no fault or the port is enabled, and the amber light indicates that the port is faulty.
GE IC695PRS015 压力传感器模块 背板隔离
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 33018090003300 | 模拟模块 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 330180-90-00 | 伺服阀 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 330180-51-05NSFP3301805105 | 分撒控制 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 330180-51-05 | 控制器主单元 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 330180-51-00 | 使用手册通讯工控模块卡件PLC/DCS备件 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 330180-50-05 | DCS备件 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 330180-50-00 | 控制板卡 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 3301740008100200 | 板卡 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 330173-00-18-10-02-05 | 控制器模块 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 3301730004100100 | 触发板 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 3301730002100200 | 传感器 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 3301712040050200 | 船舶伺服模块 | Bently Nevada |
EPRO | 传感器 | BENTLY 3301710420050200 | 控制器 | Bently Nevada |