GE IC695ALG306 热电偶输入通道
模块类型: 隔离式热电偶输入
输入数量: 6
内部电源: 3.3V: 400mA;5V: 150 毫安
插槽数量: 1(单插槽)
类型: J、K、T、E、R、S、B、N 或 C
更新率: 15 毫秒至 120 毫秒(可配置)
GE Fanuc IC695ALG306模块具有6个独立隔离的热电偶输入通道。每个通道的输入电压为 +/-150 毫伏或 +/-50 毫伏,兼容的热电偶类型包括 B、C、E、J、K、N、R、S 或 T 类型。GE Fanuc IC695ALG306输入模块的更新速率在 15 毫秒到 120 毫秒之间,内部功率在 400.3 伏时为 3 毫安,在 150 伏时为 5 毫安。每种热电偶类型都有自己的工作温度范围。B型范围为300至1820摄氏度,C型范围为0至2315摄氏度,E型范围为-270至1000摄氏度,J型范围为-210至1200摄氏度,K型范围为-270至1372摄氏度,N型范围为-210至1300摄氏度, R型范围为0至1768摄氏度,S型范围为0至1768摄氏度,T型范围为-270至400摄氏度。该模块的分辨率为 11.5 到 16 位。
GE Fanuc IC695ALG306隔离式热电偶输入模块具有多种功能,例如通过WinLoader软件实用程序协助固件升级,并且CJC更新的固定频率率为20赫兹。输入数据中的 CJC 温度报告为单独的通道,它在 10 赫兹的第一个陷波上具有固定设置,在 3.4 赫兹时具有 7 分贝输入衰减。GE Fanuc IC695ALG306隔离式热电偶输入模块可以具有各种接线端子(单独出售),包括盒式IC694TBB032块,弹簧式IC694TBS032块,扩展盒式IC694TBB132块或扩展弹簧式IC694TBS132块。该模块具有闪存故障、看门狗和 RAM 故障操作的故障状态报告。
GE IC695ALG306 热电偶输入通道
Technical specification
Module type: Isolated thermocouple input
Input quantity: 6
Internal power supply: 3.3V: 400mA; 5V: 150 MA
Number of slots: 1 (single slot)
Type: J, K, T, E, R, S, B, N, or C
Update rate: 15 ms to 120 ms (configurable)
The GE Fanuc IC695ALG306 module has 6 independently isolated thermocouple input channels. Each channel has an input voltage of +/-150 millivolts or +/-50 millivolts, and compatible thermocouple types include B, C, E, J, K, N, R, S, or T. The GE Fanuc IC695ALG306 input module has an update rate between 15 ms and 120 ms and an internal power of 3 mah at 400.3 volts and 5 mah at 150 volts. Each thermocouple type has its own operating temperature range. Type B ranges from 300 to 1820 degrees Celsius, Type C ranges from 0 to 2315 degrees Celsius, Type E ranges from -270 to 1000 degrees Celsius, Type J ranges from -210 to 1200 degrees Celsius, Type K ranges from -270 to 1372 degrees Celsius, Type N ranges from -210 to 1300 degrees Celsius, and Type R ranges from 0 to 1768 degrees Celsius. The S-type ranges from 0 to 1768 degrees Celsius, and the T-type ranges from -270 to 400 degrees Celsius. The module has a resolution of 11.5 to 16 bits.
The GE Fanuc IC695ALG306 isolated thermocouple input module has a variety of functions, such as assisting with firmware upgrades through the WinLoader software utility, and the CJC update has a fixed frequency rate of 20 Hz. The CJC temperature in the input data is reported as a separate channel, which has a fixed setting at the first notch at 10 Hz and a 7 dB input attenuation at 3.4 Hz. GE Fanuc IC695ALG306 Isolated thermocouple input modules are available with a variety of terminals (sold separately), including box IC694TBB032 block, spring IC694TBS032 block, extended box IC694TBB132 block or extended spring IC694TBS132 block. The module has fault status reports for flash failure, watchdog, and RAM failure operations.
GE IC695ALG306 热电偶输入通道
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