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GE IC695ACC400 能量包模块 防止意外擦除用户程序和数据

GE IC695ACC400 能量包模块 防止意外擦除用户程序和数据 【产品详情】 IC695ACC400是来自PACSystem RX3i平台的能量包模块,目前由艾默生AUtomation提供。该模块是 CPE305 和 CPE310 等控制器模块的可选模块。它主要用于在断电期间提供电源,足以使CPU将随机存取存储器(RAM)的内容传输到非易失性(闪存)存储器。这可以防止意外擦除用户程序和数据,






GE IC695ACC400 能量包模块 防止意外擦除用户程序和数据





IC695ACC400是来自PACSystem RX3i平台的能量包模块,目前由艾默生AUtomation提供。该模块是 CPE305 和 CPE310 等控制器模块的可选模块。它主要用于在断电期间提供电源,足以使CPU将随机存取存储器(RAM)的内容传输到非易失性(闪存)存储器。这可以防止意外擦除用户程序和数据,提高系统可用性并减少停机时间。该能量组模块安装在电源的侧面。带有目录号IC695CBL001尺寸为 3 米或 0.91 米)的电源线将能量组连接到嵌入能量组连接器的 CPU 底部。该能量组提供有关充电状态、故障、低电容和充电状态的信息。它带有符合欧盟 RoHS 指令 2002/95/EC 的证书。IC695CBL001是直通式端到端电缆 该电缆的连接器类型为Samtec PID1-040D-K,而电缆本身是额定电压为300 VAC的镀锡铜导体,具有PVC绝缘。压接触点的额定电流为 3.8 安培,额定温度为 95 摄氏度,而压接外壳由尼龙 66 或同等产品制成。当安装在工作温度为695-400摄氏度的环境中时,IC10ACC0的典型预期寿命为50 +年。在60摄氏度时,预期寿命急剧下降到4.5年。该能量组的尺寸为140毫米(5.5英寸高)x 124毫米(4.87英寸)深x 25.4毫米(1英寸宽).

IC695ACC400能量包由GE Fanuc制造,是GE Fanuc RX3i PacSystems产品系列中精选CPU的能量包。IC695ACC400 CPU能量包专门设计用于GE RX3i CPE302 CPU,GE RX3i CPE305 CPU和GE RX3i CPE310 CPU。此 CPU 能量包与 GE RX3i PacSystems 产品线的任何其他 CPU 型号不兼容。IC695ACC400 CPU 能量包的目的是保持兼容 CPU 的电源足够长的时间,以便 CPU 将其用户存储器的所有内容写入闪存或非易失性存储器,以避免在电源故障时丢失数据。

GE Fanuc RX3i PacSystems IC695ACC400 CPU能量组通过安装在将要托管它的RX3I模块的左侧来安装,并通过RX3i电缆连接到主机模块的CPU,称为GE RX3i IC695CBL001电缆。CPU、模块和 CPU 能量包都是完整 PLC 系统或可编程逻辑控制器系统的组成部分,当 PLC 通电时,IC695ACC400 CPU 能量包通过连接能量包和 CPU 的同一根IC3CBL24电缆,使用 RX695i PLC 的 001 伏直流电源轨提供的电源充电来获取能量。此 CPU 能量包符合欧盟 RoHS 指令 2011/65/EU 标准。


GE IC695ACC400 能量包模块 防止意外擦除用户程序和数据





The IC695ACC400 is an energy pack module from the PACSystem RX3i platform, currently supplied by Emerson AUtomation. This module is an optional module for controller modules such as CPE305 and CPE310. It is primarily used to provide power during power outages, enough to enable the CPU to transfer the contents of random access memory (RAM) to non-volatile (flash) memory. This prevents accidental erasure of user programs and data, improves system availability and reduces downtime. The power pack module is mounted on the side of the power supply. A power cord with catalog number IC695CBL001 measuring 3 m or 0.91 m) connects the power pack to the bottom of the CPU embedded with the power pack connector. This energy group provides information on charging status, failure, low capacitance, and charging status. It comes with a certificate of compliance with the EU RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC. The IC695CBL001 is a straight-through end to end cable The connector type of the cable is Samtec PID1-040D-K, while the cable itself is a tinned copper conductor rated at 300 VAC with PVC insulation. The pressure contact is rated for 3.8 amps and 95 degrees Celsius, while the crimp housing is made of nylon 66 or equivalent. When installed in an operating temperature of 695-400 degrees Celsius, the typical life expectancy of IC10ACC0 is 50 + years. At 60 degrees Celsius, life expectancy drops dramatically to 4.5 years. The energy pack measures 140 mm (5.5 inches high) x 124 mm (4.87 inches) deep x 25.4 mm (1 inch wide).

The IC695ACC400 power pack, manufactured by GE Fanuc, is the power pack for selected cpus in the GE Fanuc RX3i PacSystems product family. The IC695ACC400 CPU power pack is specifically designed for the GE RX3i CPE302 CPU, GE RX3i CPE305 CPU, and GE RX3i CPE310 CPU. This CPU power pack is not compatible with any other CPU models in the GE RX3i PacSystems product line. The IC695ACC400 CPU power pack is designed to keep a compatible CPU's power supply long enough for the CPU to write all the contents of its user memory to flash or non-volatile memory to avoid losing data in the event of a power failure.

The GE Fanuc RX3i PacSystems IC695ACC400 CPU power pack is installed by mounting on the left side of the RX3I module that will host it and connecting to the host module's CPU via an RX3i cable, called the GE RX3i IC695CBL001 cable. The CPU, module and CPU power pack are all part of the complete PLC system or programmable logic controller system, when the PLC is powered on, the IC695ACC400 CPU power pack through the same IC3CBL24 cable connecting the energy pack and the CPU, Use the RX695i PLC's 001 volt DC power rail for power charging. This CPU power pack complies with EU RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU standards.


GE IC695ACC400 能量包模块 防止意外擦除用户程序和数据






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标签: IC695ACC400







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