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GE IC694MDL740 可编程自动化控制器 离散输出模块

GE IC694MDL740 可编程自动化控制器 离散输出模块 【产品详情】 技术规格额定电压:12/24 伏直流# 输出数量:16 (2 组,每组 8 人)频率:不适用输出电流:每点 0.5 A输出电压范围:12 至 24V 直流电(+20%, -15%)功耗:110 mA,5V 总线IC694MDL740是 PACSystem RX3i 可编程自动化控制器 (PAC) 系列的离散输出模块。






GE IC694MDL740 可编程自动化控制器  离散输出模块







额定电压: 12/24 伏直流

# 输出数量: 16 (2 组,每组 8 人)

频率: 不适用

输出电流: 每点 0.5 A

输出电压范围: 12 至 24V 直流电(+20%, -15%)

功耗: 110 mA,5V 总线

IC694MDL740是 PACSystem RX3i 可编程自动化控制器 (PAC) 系列的离散输出模块。该模块以前由GE智能平台(GE IP)生产,现在由艾默生自动化负责。它属于现代设计的控制器模块,由十六 (16) 个正输出通道构建,产生 12 /24 VDC 的额定电压,输出电流为每点 0.5 安培,每个模块 2 安培。该模块有两 (2) 组,每组八 (8) 个输出,每组具有隔离的公共资源。IC694MDL740是一个单插槽模块,可安装到 RX3i 底板的可用插槽。它主要与电机起动器、电磁阀和面板指示器兼容。它带有单独的通道 LED 指示灯,通过单个保险丝熔断状态 LED 指示灯描述每个通道的通电状态。该IC694MDL740具有现场到背板隔离额定值 250 VAC,连续;光隔离,即帧对地隔离额定值为 1500 VAC 持续 1 分钟,组间隔离额定值为 250 VAC 连续和 1500 VAC 持续 1 分钟。该模块的浪涌电流额定值为 4.78 安培,持续 10 ms,最大输出电压降为 1 V,最大关断状态漏电流额定为 1 mA,开和关响应时间为 2 ms。该模块的背板电流消耗为110 mA。IC694MDL740模块实例的数量取决于主机处理器的 I/O 容量、可用插槽数和内存。它可以是本地 I/O 程序集的一部分,也可以是较大的分布式 I/O 体系结构的一部分。

IC694MDL740输出模块是属于GE Fanuc Automation的Rx3i PACSystems系列的输出模块。该模块专门是一个正逻辑输出模块,带有 16 个不同的输出点,分为 2 组,每组 8 个输出点。该模块还提供这些输出点之间的隔离,因此在操作时它们之间没有干扰。该模块的逻辑特性为正,这意味着它可以从正电源总线向负载提供电流。GE Fanuc Automation IC694MDL740 Rx3i PACSystems输出模块与多个现场设备兼容。这些设备可以是电机和螺线管等。所有部件都需要由外部电源供电。

GE Fanuc IC694MDL740 16点正逻辑输出模块是一种低压输出模块。它的蓝色标签清楚地标识为低压输出模块。IC694MDL740低压输出模块不应与高压设备一起使用,因为这可能会损坏它或高压设备,或者IC694MDL740模块根本无法运行或与这些设备通信。该模块的工作电压范围为 12 至 24 伏直流电,其隔离电压额定值为 250 伏交流电,用于连续隔离,但隔离电压额定值也可高达 1500 伏交流电 1 分钟。IC694MDL740输出模块可以安装在 RX3i PACSystems PLC 内任何机架的任何空 I/O 插槽中。


GE IC694MDL740 可编程自动化控制器  离散输出模块





Technical specification

Rated voltage: 12/24 V DC

# Output quantity: 16 (2 groups, 8 people per group)

Frequency: Not applicable

Output current: 0.5A per point

Output voltage range: 12 to 24V DC (+20%, -15%)

Power consumption: 110 mA, 5V bus

The IC694MDL740 is a discrete output module of the PACSystem RX3i Programmable Automation Controller (PAC) family. The module was previously produced by GE Intelligence Platform (GE IP) and is now handled by Emerson Automation. It belongs to a modern design of the controller module, built from sixteen (16) positive output channels that produce a rated voltage of 12/24 VDC, with an output current of 0.5 amps per point and 2 amps per module. The module has two (2) groups of eight (8) outputs each with isolated common resources. The IC694MDL740 is a single slot module that can be installed into an available slot on the RX3i baseboard. It is primarily compatible with motor starters, solenoid valves and panel indicators. It has a separate channel LED indicator that describes the power status of each channel through a single fuse blown status LED indicator. The IC694MDL740 has a field to backplane isolation rating of 250 VAC, continuous; Optical isolation, i.e. frame-to-ground isolation is rated at 1500 VAC for 1 minute, inter-group isolation is rated at 250 VAC for continuous and 1500 VAC for 1 minute. The module has a surge current rating of 4.78 amps for a duration of 10 ms, a maximum output voltage drop of 1 V, a maximum off state leakage current rating of 1 mA, and an on and off response time of 2 ms. The backplane current consumption of this module is 110 mA. The number of module instances of the IC694MDL740 depends on the host processor's I/O capacity, number of available slots, and memory. It can be part of a local I/O assembly or part of a larger distributed I/O architecture.

The IC694MDL740 output module is an output module of GE Fanuc Automation's Rx3i PACSystems series. The module is specifically a positive logic output module with 16 different output points divided into 2 groups of 8 output points each. The module also provides isolation between these output points, so there is no interference between them when operating. The module has a positive logic characteristic, which means that it can supply current to the load from the positive power bus. GE Fanuc Automation IC694MDL740 Rx3i PACSystems output module is compatible with multiple field devices. These devices can be motors and solenoids, etc. All components need to be powered by an external power source.

GE Fanuc IC694MDL740 16-point positive logic output module is a low-voltage output module. Its blue label clearly identifies it as a low-voltage output module. The IC694MDL740 low voltage output module should not be used with high voltage equipment, as this may damage it or the high voltage equipment, or the IC694MDL740 module simply cannot operate or communicate with these devices. The module operates in a voltage range of 12 to 24 volts DC with an isolation voltage rating of 250 volts AC for continuous isolation, but the isolation voltage rating can also be up to 1500 volts AC for 1 minute. The IC694MDL740 output module can be installed in any empty I/O slot in any rack within the RX3i PACSystems PLC.


GE IC694MDL740 可编程自动化控制器  离散输出模块






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标签: IC694MDL740







采购:GE IC694MDL740 可编程自动化控制器 离散输出模块