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GE IC694MDL240 离散输入模块 采用高度模块化配置

GE IC694MDL240 离散输入模块 采用高度模块化配置 【产品详情】 额定电压:120 伏交流电# 输入数:16名(<>名)频率:50/60赫兹输入电流:12毫安输入电压范围:0 至 132 伏交流电功耗:90 mA,5 V 总线IC694MDL240是属于 PACSystem RX3i 系列的离散输入模块。该可编程自动化控制器 (PAC) 平台是采用高度模块化配置的中端控制器






GE IC694MDL240 离散输入模块 采用高度模块化配置





额定电压: 120 伏交流电

# 输入数: 16名(<>名)

频率: 50/60赫兹

输入电流: 12毫安

输入电压范围: 0 至 132 伏交流电

功耗: 90 mA,5 V 总线

IC694MDL240是属于 PACSystem RX3i 系列的离散输入模块。该可编程自动化控制器 (PAC) 平台是采用高度模块化配置的中端控制器系列。具体而言,IC694MDL240是一个额定值为 120 VAC 的离散输入模块,可接受 85-132 VAC 的输入电压范围以及 5-0/60 Hz 的输入频率。该模块带有一组输入通道和一个公共终端。该模块被归类为高压模块,由模块的红色波段表示。它安装在 PACSystem RX3i 底板的任何空插槽中。它占用单个插槽,背板电流消耗为90 mA。每个输入点的导通响应时间为30 ms,关断响应时间为45 ms,而导通状态和关断状态电压分别为74-132 VAC和0-20 VAC。IC694MDL240模块的光隔离额定值为 250 VAC(连续电压)和 1500 VAC 持续 1 分钟。IC694MDL240的典型应用包括集成按钮开关、限位开关、辅助触点、接近开关和其他二进制操作设备。模块通道监控可以通过代表每个通道的十六 (16) 个编号 LED 状态指示灯轻松实现。主动接收电流输入的通道其相应的 LED 指示灯亮起,否则,LED 将断电。要操作模块,必须提供外部交流电源并将其连接到模块的输入端子。允许将IC694MDL240的多个实例安装到 PACSystem RX3i 系统,仅受控制器的 I/O 和内存容量以及系统空置插槽数量的限制。

GE Fanuc自动化IC694MDL240输入模块有16个LED指示灯,显示每个输入点的开和关状态,红色带显示该模块是高压模块。GE Fanuc自动化IC694MDL240输入模块的额定电压为120伏交流电,输入电压范围为0至132伏交流电,频率为50至60赫兹。该模块提供从现场侧到背板的 250 伏交流电连续隔离电压,以及从现场侧到机架接地的 1500 伏交流电隔离 1 分钟。输入具有 74 至 132 伏交流电的通态电压和 0 至 20 伏交流电的关断电压。导通状态下的额定电流最小值为 6 毫安,关断状态下的额定电流最大值为 2.2 毫安。该模块在 90 伏直流母线背板电压下的额定功耗为 5 毫安。每个模块使用的输入将取决于工作温度。



GE IC694MDL240 离散输入模块 采用高度模块化配置





Rated voltage: 120 volts AC

# Number of entries: 16 (<> names)

Frequency: 50/60 Hz

Input current: 12 MA

Input voltage range: 0 to 132 volts AC

Power consumption: 90 mA, 5 V bus

The IC694MDL240 is a discrete input module belonging to the PACSystem RX3i series. The Programmable Automation Controller (PAC) platform is a mid-range controller family with a highly modular configuration. Specifically, the IC694MDL240 is a discrete input module rated at 120 VAC that accepts an input voltage range of 85-132 VAC and an input frequency of 5-0/60 Hz. The module comes with a set of input channels and a common terminal. The module is classified as a high voltage module and is represented by the red band of the module. It is installed in any empty slot on the PACSystem RX3i baseboard. It occupies a single slot and consumes 90 mA of backplane current. Each input point has a on response time of 30 ms and a off response time of 45 ms, while the on-state and off state voltages are 74-132 VAC and 0-20 VAC, respectively. The IC694MDL240 module has an optical isolation rating of 250 VAC (continuous voltage) and 1500 VAC for 1 minute. Typical applications of the IC694MDL240 include integrated push button switches, limit switches, auxiliary contacts, proximity switches, and other binary operating devices. Module channel monitoring can be easily achieved with sixteen (16) numbered LED status indicators representing each channel. The channel that actively receives the current input has its corresponding LED indicator light on, otherwise, the LED will be powered off. To operate the module, an external AC power supply must be provided and connected to the input terminals of the module. Multiple instances of the IC694MDL240 are allowed to be installed to the PACSystem RX3i system, limited only by the controller's I/O and memory capacity and the number of vacant slots in the system.

The GE Fanuc Automation IC694MDL240 input module has 16 LED indicators that show the on and off status of each input point, and the red band indicates that the module is a high voltage module. The GE Fanuc Automation IC694MDL240 input module has a rated voltage of 120 V AC, input voltage range of 0 to 132 V AC, and frequency of 50 to 60 Hz. The module provides 250 V AC continuous isolation voltage from the field side to the backplane, and 1500 V AC isolation from the field side to the rack ground for 1 minute. The input has an on-state voltage of 74 to 132 volts AC and a turn-off voltage of 0 to 20 volts AC. The minimum rated current is 6 MA in the on-state and the maximum rated current is 2.2 mA in the off state. The module has a rated power consumption of 5 MA at 90 V DC bus backplane voltage. The input used by each module will depend on the operating temperature.


GE IC694MDL240 离散输入模块 采用高度模块化配置






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标签: IC694MDL240







采购:GE IC694MDL240 离散输入模块 采用高度模块化配置