IC660EBS102 I/O 模块电子组件 直流或交流电源
GE Fanuc IC660EBS102电子组件是由GE Fanuc Automation制造的电子组件,是Genius I / O模块系列的一部分。该单元是一个隔离的 Genius I/O 模块电子组件,具有 4 组独立的 2 个输入和输出电路,每个电路的额定额定电压为 115 伏交流电或 125 伏直流电,这意味着模块和电子组件同时支持交流和直流电源。隔离组配置为可承受任何接地之间以及任何组之间或任何两个不同组之间的 250 伏交流或直流电压。它还具有 2000 伏峰值的瞬态额定值,持续时间为 10 秒。模块的控制电源从连接到端子的设备的 I/O 设备电压中分接。
GE Fanuc IC660EBS102电子组件与为不同内部电子源制造的不同端子连接。它还具有可以独立用作直流或交流电源的电源,并且不需要像电路供电那样供电。GE Fanuc IC660EBS102电子组件具有广泛的功能,使其独一无二,能够提供出色的性能。其中一些特性包括交流和直流电路电压、CPU 冗余类型、输出脉冲测试能力、输出保持最后状态、输出上电默认值以及总线开关模块控制。IC660EBS102电子组件具有可选输入滤波时间为 10 至 100 毫秒等功能。该电子组件的电子保险丝内置于用作输出的每个电路中。发生短路时,电路会在 5 微秒后关闭。
IC660EBS102 I/O 模块电子组件 直流或交流电源
The GE Fanuc IC660EBS102 electronic assembly is an electronic assembly manufactured by GE Fanuc Automation as part of the Genius I/O module family. The unit is an isolated Genius I/O module electronic assembly with 4 separate sets of 2 input and output circuits, each rated at either 115 volts AC or 125 volts DC, meaning the module and electronic assembly support both AC and DC power supplies. The isolation group is configured to withstand 250 volts AC or DC between any ground and between any group or between any two different groups. It also has a transient rating of 2000 volts peak with a duration of 10 seconds. The control power supply of the module is tapped from the I/O device voltage of the device connected to the terminal.
GE Fanuc IC660EBS102 electronic components are connected with different terminals manufactured for different internal electronic sources. It also has a power supply that can be used independently as a DC or AC power supply, and does not need to be powered like a circuit power supply. The GE Fanuc IC660EBS102 electronic assembly has a wide range of features that make it unique and capable of delivering outstanding performance. Some of these features include AC and DC circuit voltage, CPU redundancy type, output pulse test capability, output hold last state, output power-on default, and bus switch module control. The IC660EBS102 electronic assembly features optional input filtering times of 10 to 100 milliseconds. The electronic fuse of the electronic assembly is built into each circuit used as an output. In the event of a short circuit, the circuit shuts down after 5 microseconds.
IC660EBS102 I/O 模块电子组件 直流或交流电源
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