URSHA GE 电源模块 高功率模块
通用电气Multilin的UR-SHA是电源模块系列的最新和最先进的型号之一,是一种设计用于通用继电器系列的电源模块。它为继电器及其干触点输入连接供电。该模块是该系列的高功率模块之一,额定电压为125至250 V。这与该系列的低功率模块不同,后者为继电器提供标称范围为 24 至 48 V(仅限 DC)的功率。用户应确保其电源满足系统需求,因为超过建议的额定值可能会损坏系统。提供给干接点输入的电源为 48 V DC。
由于通用继电器的诊断和错误检查功能,简化了 UR-SHA 模块的维护和一般故障排除。每个通用继电器单元都能够评估硬件和硬件过程的运行状况,生成系统错误或在检测到错误时指示需要进行预防性维护。Multilin 继电器还可以使用位于设备面板上的 LED 来指示电源何时成功运行或遇到故障。
关于 UR-SHA 的常见问题
UR-SHA是UR-SH一代的电源,旨在取代第一代(UR-1H)和第二代(UR-RH)模块。这些电源模块属于高压范围。与老一代电源相比,UR-SH 电源的电压 (45 W) 更高,后者的电压为 35 W。Multilin UR-SH还通过最大限度地减少增加功率而散发的热量,将功效提高了28%。该模块具有在105°C高温下关闭的过温保护功能。与第一代和第二代相比,隔离电压也从2000 V AC增加到2300 V AC。
数字 A 为通用电气 Multilin UR-SH 设备提供什么电源?
GE Multilin UR-SHA是一款电源,其订单规格在部件号中标明。终端“A”指定该装置是带有苛刻环境涂层的水平 19 英寸机架。相反,如果零件包含“B”,则规格将是垂直的 3/4 尺寸,并带有苛刻的环境涂层。
URSHA GE 电源模块 高功率模块
General Electric Multilin's UR-SHA, one of the newest and most advanced models in the power module family, is a power module designed for use in the general purpose relay family. It supplies power to the relay and its dry contact input connections. This module is one of the high power modules in the series, with a rated voltage of 125 to 250 V. This is different from the low power modules in the series, which provide the relay with a nominal range of 24 to 48 V (DC only) power. Users should ensure that their power supply meets system requirements, as exceeding the recommended rating may damage the system. The power supply for the dry contact input is 48 V DC.
Maintenance and general troubleshooting of UR-SHA modules are simplified thanks to the diagnostic and error checking functions of the universal relay. Each general purpose relay unit is capable of assessing the health of hardware and hardware processes, generating system errors or indicating the need for preventive maintenance when errors are detected. Multilin relays can also use leds located on the device panel to indicate when the power supply is running successfully or experiencing a failure.
Frequently Asked questions about UR-SHA
How is the GE Morin UR-SHA power module different from the 1st and 2nd generation UR power modules?
UR-SHA is an UR-SH generation power supply designed to replace the first generation (UR-1H) and second generation (UR-RH) modules. These power modules belong to the high voltage range. The UR-SH power supply has a higher voltage (45 W) compared to the older generation power supply, which has a voltage of 35 W. The Multilin UR-SH also improves efficiency by 28 percent by minimizing the amount of heat emitted from increased power. The module has overtemperature protection that closes at 105°C. The isolation voltage has also increased from 2000 V AC to 2300 V AC compared to the first and second generation.
What power does Digital A provide for GE Multilin UR-SH equipment?
The GE Multilin UR-SHA is a power supply whose order specifications are indicated in the part number. Terminal "A" specifies that the unit is a horizontal 19-inch rack with a harsh environmental coating. Conversely, if the part contains a "B", the specification will be a vertical 3/4 size with a harsh environmental coating.
URSHA GE 电源模块 高功率模块
TRICONEX 3664 | Triconex DCS | 输入输出模块 | BENTLY 3500/15127610-01 | 存储器模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3625 | Triconex DCS | PLC中央处理器 | BENTLY 3500/15125760-01 | 数字信号输入输出模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3624 | Triconex DCS | DO模块 | BENTLY 3500/15-05-05-00 | 伺服驱动 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3511 | Triconex DCS | 控制处理器 | BENTLY 3500/15-05-00-00 | 安全继电器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3510 | Triconex DCS | 数字输入模件 | BENTLY 3500/15-02-02-00 | 绕线式 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3451 | Triconex DCS | 开关量输入卡 | BENTLY 3500/15-02-00-00 | 处理器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3401 | Triconex DCS | 卡件 | BENTLY 3500/15-02-00 | 模件 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3351 | Triconex DCS | DI卡件 | BENTLY 3500/15-01-01-00 | 交流伺服马达驱动器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3301 | Triconex DCS | DI卡件 | BENTLY 3500/15-01-00-00 | 模拟量输出模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3201 | Triconex DCS | DI卡件 | BENTLY 3500/15 127610-01S | 网络接口从站模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3101 | Triconex DCS | 增强型智能通信模件 | BENTLY 3500/15 125760-01 | HCU柜模件 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3008 | Triconex DCS | 模拟量输入模块 | BENTLY 3500/15 | 多功能处理器端接模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3007 | Triconex DCS | CPU模块 | BENTLY 3500/149992-01 | 备件模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3006 | Triconex DCS | PLC 模块 | BENTLY 3500/140482-01 | 微控制器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 8101 | Triconex DCS | DCS模块 | BENTLY 3500/136188-02 | 冗余现场控制器主单元 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 8102 | Triconex DCS | PDP面板与模块 | BENTLY 3500/125840-01 | 通道,模拟量输入 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 8105 | Triconex DCS | PDP面板与模块 | BENTLY 3500/053500/05-01-02-00-00-01 | 模拟输入模件 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 8110 | Triconex DCS | 主机架 | BENTLY 3500/05-02-04-00-00-00 | 通道,本安型模拟输入 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3005 | Triconex DCS | 控制器 | BENTLY 3500/05-02-02 | 通道模拟输入模件 | Bently Nevada |