URRHV GE 通用继电器 垂直安装单元的尺寸减小
UR-RHV 订购号中的“V”表示该模块适用于通用继电器系列的垂直安装版本。垂直安装单元的尺寸减小,适用于电力系统中可用空间有限的用户。潜在买家应确保他们购买的模块适合其单位(水平或垂直),因为模块的两个版本之间存在明显差异。
通用继电器系列电源模块具有冗余选项,其中包括两个彼此并联的电源;如果其中一个电源出现故障,另一个电源可以承担电源系统的满负荷。这种切换会立即发生,导致电力系统零停机时间。位于面板前面的 LED 也会指示何时发生此故障,以便用户可以启动并运行一个电源,而另一个电源继续承担工作。
关于 UR-RHV 的常见问题
UR-RHV是Multilin通用电气的电源模块,与Multilin系列通用继电器兼容。例如,Multilin通用继电器包括D30线距继电器,C30 I/O逻辑控制器和T60变压器管理继电器。通用继电器具有插槽,用于接受Multilin电源,以接收通用继电器的电源,例如类似于UR-RHV电源模块。多年来,GE Multilin推出了三种类型的电源模块,UR-1H系列,UR-RH一代,以及最近的UR-SH。通用继电器的优傲系统也与更新的电源模块兼容,即使它最初购买的是原始一代电源。同样,一些通用Multilin继电器需要两个电源模块。在这种情况下,建议通用继电器随附的两个电源模块的代数保持不变。
UR Multilin系列多林通用GE继电器的UR-RHV电源模块的额定功率是多少?
UR-RHV Multilin 功率相对湿度发电的额定功率在 125W 时为 250 至 35 V,在 100 VA 时为 240 至 35 VAC。
URRHV GE 通用继电器 垂直安装单元的尺寸减小
The "V" in the UR-RHV ordering number indicates that the module is suitable for vertically mounted versions of the general purpose relay family. The size of the vertically mounted unit is reduced for users with limited available space in the power system. Potential buyers should ensure that the module they purchase is suitable for their unit (horizontal or vertical), as there are clear differences between the two versions of the module.
The universal relay series power modules have redundancy options, including two power supplies in parallel with each other; If one of the power supplies fails, the other power supply can take on the full load of the power system. This switch occurs immediately, resulting in zero downtime for the power system. The LED located on the front of the panel also indicates when this failure occurs, so that the user can get one power supply up and running while the other power supply continues to do the work.
While some modules are not essential to relay function per se, power modules (as well as CPU modules) are necessary for operation, as relays cannot operate without a power supply connected.
FAQ about UR-RHV
What are the functions of the UR-RHV power module?
UR-RHV is a Multilin General Electric power module that is compatible with the Multilin family of universal relays. For example, Multilin universal relays include D30 line distance relays, C30 I/O logic controllers, and T60 transformer management relays. Universal relays have slots for accepting Multilin power to receive power from universal relays, such as UR-RHV power modules. Over the years, GE Multilin has introduced three types of power modules, the UR-1H series, the UR-RH generation, and most recently, the UR-SH. Universal relays' Uos system is also compatible with newer power modules, even if it was originally purchased with the original generation power supply. Similarly, some general-purpose Multilin relays require two power modules. In this case, it is recommended that the algebras of the two power modules that come with the universal relay remain unchanged.
What is the power rating of the UR-RHV power module for the UR Multilin Series Dorin General GE Relays?
The UR-RHV Multilin power relative humidity generation is rated at 250 to 35 V at 125W and 240 to 35 VAC at 100 VA.
URRHV GE 通用继电器 垂直安装单元的尺寸减小
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