URRHH 电源模块 GE 排除冗余电源选项
通用电气的 UR-RHH 是专为安装在通用继电器系列中的电源模块而设计的。该模块可在两个电压范围内订购,并且可以包括或排除冗余电源选项。低范围 (LO) 工作在 24 至 48 V 标称电压(仅限直流),而高范围 (HI) 工作在 125 至 250 V 标称电压(直流和交流)。电源模块能够为继电器供电,也能够为干触点输入连接供电。该电源模块的内部保险丝额定值为 4A/250 V。
电源模块的健康状况可以通过继电器的自检元件自动评估。用于确保设备完整性的主要和次要测试可以评估硬件功能是否正常,并在发生严重故障时断电电源模块。如果测试检测到硬件问题或严重故障,系统可以通过位于所有优傲单元面板上的 LED 向附近的用户指示。与电源直接相关的面板 LED 包括连续开、开/关循环和关。
关于 UR-RHH 的常见问题
用于 UR 系列多林通用继电器系统的 UR-RHH 通用电气电源模块有哪些独特特性?
UR-RHH 电源被多林通用继电器系统所接受。35 W 时的范围为 125 至 250 V,35 VA 时的范围为 100 至 240 VAC。Multilin UR-RHH采用黑色哑光机身,以增强美观性并保护底层板。
UR-RH电源模块和UR-SH电源模块都具有高压特性。上一个问题中指定的 UR-RH 瓦数为 35 W。UR-SH 的输出功率已增加到 45 W。UR-RH 电源有 27 个电解电容器,而 UR-SH 只有一个。与 UR-SH 相比,隔离电压电平也是 UR-RH 电源模块独有的(分别为 2000 V AC 和 2300 V AC)。即使输出功率增加,UR-SH 也具有与 UR-RH 相同的热量产生。
URRHH 电源模块 GE 排除冗余电源选项
Ge's UR-RHH is designed for power modules installed in the general purpose relay family. The module can be ordered in two voltage ranges, and redundant power options can be included or excluded. The low range (LO) operates at 24 to 48 V nominal voltages (DC only), while the high range (HI) operates at 125 to 250 V nominal voltages (DC and AC). The power module can supply power to relays and dry contact input connections. The power module has an internal fuse rating of 4A/250 V.
The health of the power module can be automatically assessed by the self-test element of the relay. The primary and secondary tests used to ensure the integrity of the device can assess whether the hardware is functioning properly and power down the power module in the event of a serious failure. If the test detects hardware problems or serious failures, the system can indicate to nearby users via leds located on the panels of all UOS units. Panel leds directly related to the power supply include continuous on, on/off cycles, and off.
FAQ about UR-RHH
What are the unique features of UR-RHH General Electric Power modules for UR Series Dorin General purpose relay systems?
The UR-RHH power supply is accepted by the Dorin universal relay system. The range is 125 to 250 V at 35 W and 100 to 240 VAC at 35 VA. The Multilin UR-RHH features a black matte body to enhance aesthetics and protect the bottom plate.
What is unique about GE Morin UR Series UR-RHH 2nd generation Universal Relay system power modules compared to UR-SH power modules?
The UR-RH power module and UR-SH power module both feature high voltage. The UR-RH wattage specified in the previous question was 35 W. The output power of UR-SH has been increased to 45 W. The UR-RH power supply has 27 electrolytic capacitors, while the UR-SH has only one. Isolation voltage levels are also unique to UR-RH power modules (2000 V AC and 2300 V AC, respectively) compared to UR-SH. Even with increased output power, UR-SH has the same heat generation as UR-RH.
URRHH 电源模块 GE 排除冗余电源选项
TRICONEX 3664 | Triconex DCS | 输入输出模块 | BENTLY 3500/15127610-01 | 存储器模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3625 | Triconex DCS | PLC中央处理器 | BENTLY 3500/15125760-01 | 数字信号输入输出模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3624 | Triconex DCS | DO模块 | BENTLY 3500/15-05-05-00 | 伺服驱动 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3511 | Triconex DCS | 控制处理器 | BENTLY 3500/15-05-00-00 | 安全继电器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3510 | Triconex DCS | 数字输入模件 | BENTLY 3500/15-02-02-00 | 绕线式 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3451 | Triconex DCS | 开关量输入卡 | BENTLY 3500/15-02-00-00 | 处理器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3401 | Triconex DCS | 卡件 | BENTLY 3500/15-02-00 | 模件 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3351 | Triconex DCS | DI卡件 | BENTLY 3500/15-01-01-00 | 交流伺服马达驱动器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3301 | Triconex DCS | DI卡件 | BENTLY 3500/15-01-00-00 | 模拟量输出模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3201 | Triconex DCS | DI卡件 | BENTLY 3500/15 127610-01S | 网络接口从站模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3101 | Triconex DCS | 增强型智能通信模件 | BENTLY 3500/15 125760-01 | HCU柜模件 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3008 | Triconex DCS | 模拟量输入模块 | BENTLY 3500/15 | 多功能处理器端接模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3007 | Triconex DCS | CPU模块 | BENTLY 3500/149992-01 | 备件模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3006 | Triconex DCS | PLC 模块 | BENTLY 3500/140482-01 | 微控制器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 8101 | Triconex DCS | DCS模块 | BENTLY 3500/136188-02 | 冗余现场控制器主单元 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 8102 | Triconex DCS | PDP面板与模块 | BENTLY 3500/125840-01 | 通道,模拟量输入 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 8105 | Triconex DCS | PDP面板与模块 | BENTLY 3500/053500/05-01-02-00-00-01 | 模拟输入模件 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 8110 | Triconex DCS | 主机架 | BENTLY 3500/05-02-04-00-00-00 | 通道,本安型模拟输入 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3005 | Triconex DCS | 控制器 | BENTLY 3500/05-02-02 | 通道模拟输入模件 | Bently Nevada |