UR9HH GE CPU模块 提供管理单元保护的计算能力
通用电气Multilin的UR-9HH是为通用继电器系列设计的CPU模块,通过逻辑框架,强大的算法和系统适当的锁存器和门,为继电器提供计算能力。CPU模块还与中继中的其他模块密切合作,以协助组织它们的功能和它们收集的数据。GE Multilin的UR-9HH还为该单元提供通信功能,例如控制位于继电器后面的RS485端口。
GE Multilin生产了各种各样的CPU模块,为给定的通用继电器单元提供不同的功能。例如,有些单元为中继提供以太网,有些单元根本不提供以太网,有些单元为以太网提供附加功能,例如并行冗余协议(PRP)和IEEE 1588协议。
UR- 9hh作为UR系列多路通用继电器CPU的独特功能是什么?
UR-9HH CPU模块是“9H”CPU类型的成员,目前已过时,仅作为剩余选项可用。UR-9HH具有理想的通信方面,导致2015年' 9J '和' 9K ' CPU模块的主要硬件修订。这方面是在设备右下方(后视图)发现的额外铜10/100Base-TX以太网端口。用户在进行配置、维护或调测时,需要连接到该端口进行业务使用。因此,现在在用于Multilin UR系列通用继电器的' 9J '和' 9K ' CPU模块上发现了相同的铜10/100Base-TX以太网端口。
Multilin UR-9HH CPU模块上的以太网端口在哪里?
当从表面(标有CPU和型号名称的部分)查看Multilin UR-9HH模块时,CPU看起来像一个黑色哑光的封闭外壳。但是,从后视图来看,可以通过CPU背面的窗口查看三层板。两个以太网端口位于设备前部的中央和后视图的右下角。以太网端口位于设备的后部,是10/100Base-TX铜以太网端口。
UR9HH GE CPU模块 提供管理单元保护的计算能力
General Electric Multilin’s UR-9HH is a CPU module designed for the Universal Relays series, furnishing the relay with computing power by means of logic frameworks, powerful algorithms, and system appropriate latches and gates. The CPU module also works closely with other modules in the relay to assist in organizing their functions and the data they collect. GE Multilin’s UR-9HH also provides the unit with communications functions, such as governing the RS485 port located at the back of the relay.
GE Multilin has produced a wide variety of CPU modules which supply the given Universal Relay unit with different capabilities. For example, some units provide the relay with Ethernet, some units do not provide Ethernet at all, and some units provide Ethernet with additional capabilities, such as Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) and IEEE 1588 protocol.
Most Multilin modules come in a horizontal or vertical form, with the horizontal form taking up more space than the vertical one. This makes the vertical unit ideal for prospective buyers working with a limited amount of space in their power system. Users should ensure they are buying modules appropriate for their relay’s orientation, denoted in the model number by an “H” or a “V”.
Frequently Asked Questions about UR-9HH
What are the unique features of a UR-9HH functioning as a CPU for a Multilin universal relay in the UR series?
The UR-9HH CPU module is a member of the ‘9H’ CPU type, which are currently obsolete and only available as a surplus option. The UR-9HH has an ideal communication aspect that led the major hardware revision of the ‘9J’ and ‘9K’ CPU modules in 2015. This aspect is the additional copper 10/100Base-TX Ethernet port found on the lower right aspect of the unit (rear view). Users have used this port for service purposes by connecting to it in the case of configuration, maintenance, or commissioning situations. Thus, the same copper 10/100Base-TX Ethernet port is now found on the ‘9J’ and ‘9K’ CPU modules used for the Multilin UR series universal relays.
Where are the Ethernet ports found on the Multilin UR-9HH CPU module?
When viewing the Multilin UR-9HH module from the facing (portion labeled with CPU and model designation), the CPU appears as an enclosed casing with a black matte finish. From the rear view however, the three tiers of boards can be viewed through the windowed back aspect of the CPU. The two Ethernet ports are found centrally in the front of the unit and at the bottom right aspect of the rear view. The Ethernet port located at the rear of the unit is the copper 10/100Base-TX Ethernet port.
UR9HH GE CPU模块 提供管理单元保护的计算能力
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