UR9GH GE CPU模块 管理继电器保护功能
除了这些机制外,相关软件还赋予中继以太网网络、并行冗余协议(PRP)和IEEE 1588等元素。
以太网:Multilin的一些CPU模块提供的以太网允许从运行EnerVista UR软件的计算机远程连接到通用中继。以太网设置和测试的详细说明在Multilin的各种UR用户手册中提供。
IEEE 1588:该元件提供了一种一致、可靠的方法来保持以太网网络上设备之间的时间参考。时钟同步协议允许设备精确同步通信到一微秒的精度。
UR-9GH与通用Multilin GE继电器系统中的其他CPU部件号有何区别?
UR- 9gh是在Multilin GE UR系列的许多通用继电器中使用的9G型号的CPU。不同的CPU部件可分为新旧两种型号。在这种情况下,UR-9GH是一种新型号,被描述为具有RS485和10Base-F,具有以太网,Modbus TCP/IP和DNP功能。具有这些类似功能的旧型号是9C型号的cpu。一些新的型号名称,如9J、9K、9L、9M、9N、9P、9R和9S模块,没有预先存在的具有类似特性的旧CPU选项。例如,9N CPU是唯一具有RS485和10/100Base-T特性的模块CPU。如果一个新的CPU与旧版本的CT/VT模块配对,那么通用继电器将显示一个错误代码,表明硬件选项不能正常工作。但是,其他I/O模块的所有其他硬件选项都可以与新硬件一起工作(用于CPU和CT/VT模块)。固件版本还可以指定新版本或旧版本是否在UR系统中作为一个整体兼容。
UR9GH GE CPU模块 管理继电器保护功能
General Electric Multilin’s UR-9GH provides firmware that enables and governs the protective features of the relay, offering control algorithms, logic frameworks, and more. This module can be installed in any of the Universal Relays units and is a necessary component for relay functionality.
In addition to these mechanisms, the related software endows the relay with elements such as Ethernet networking, Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP), and IEEE 1588.
Ethernet: The Ethernet offered by some of Multilin’s CPU modules allows remote connection to the Universal Relay from a computer running the EnerVista UR software. Detailed instructions for Ethernet setup and testing are provided in Multilin’s various UR user manuals.
Parallel Redundancy Protocol: This option is supported by the Ethernet port but must be specified as a module option during purchase. PRP provides seamless recovery in the event of network failure by employing both LAN duplication and frame duplication.
IEEE 1588: This element offers a consistent, reliable method of keeping time reference between devices on an Ethernet network. The clock synchronization protocol allows devices to precisely synchronize communications to an accuracy of one microsecond.
While not all models offer all three elements, each module provides one or some combination of these features; users should investigate the user manual appropriate to their unit to understand what each module provides.
Frequently Asked Questions about UR-9GH
What differentiates the UR-9GH from other CPU part numbers within the universal system of Multilin GE relays?
The UR-9GH is a CPU of the 9G model used in many of the universal relays of the Multilin GE UR series. The different CPU parts can be classified in terms of old and new models. In this case, the UR-9GH, is a new model that is described as having a RS485 and a 10Base-F with Ethernet, Modbus TCP/IP, and DNP features. The older model with these similar features is the 9C model of CPUs. Some new model designations, such as the 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M, 9N, 9P, 9R, and 9S modules, do not have preexisting old CPU options with their similar characteristics. For example, the 9N CPU is the only module CPU that has the RS485 and the 10/100Base-T features. If a new CPU is paired with an old version of the CT/VT module then the universal relay will display an error code showing that the hardware options do not function together properly. However, all of the other hardware options for other I/O modules can function with the new hardware (for the CPU and for the CT/VT modules). Firmware versions may also designate if the new or the old versions will be compatible in the UR system as a whole.
UR9GH GE CPU模块 管理继电器保护功能
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