UR9EH GE CPU模块 替换失效模块
GE Multilin的UR- 9eh具有许多影响CPU功能的可配置设置,可以使用键盘和面板或EnerVista UR进行修改。例如,可以禁用SERVER SCANNING特性以增加CPU资源,这对于不需要IEC 61850客户机/服务器功能的用户特别有用。CPU模块的即插即用功能还可以自动建立基本的CPU设置,从而消除了用户的总体编程负担,使用户可以专注于优化设置,而不是从头开始。
我如何在我的UR系列通用多路GE继电器中识别UR- 9eh CPU ?
有许多UR Multilin系列万向继电器,具有不同的功能和应用。两代UR继电器是G60和G30。G60适用于大中型发电机(主备保护),G30适用于中小型发电机,除对发电机进行保护外,还提供全面的监测功能。此外,大部分UR继电器属于传输或分配类别。例如,L30为子传输线提供线路电流差动保护,而D30为传输系统提供备份距离保护。除了这里简要提到的那些,还有18个以上的UR继电器。这些通用继电器中的每一个都配备了一个CPU,无论通用继电器是垂直(3/4尺寸)还是水平安装继电器。CPU可以通过RH-9部件介绍来识别,然后是指定该CPU具体特征的字母。9A, 9C或9D类别的CPU将是旧模块类型,其他字母(9E和高达9S)将表示通用继电器中包含的新CPU模块。
UR9EH GE CPU模块 替换失效模块
General Electric Multilin’s UR-9EH is a CPU module intended for replacing a defunct module or upgrading an old module for a unit in the Universal Relays series. The module provides computing power to the relay in the form of logic algorithms, logic gates, latches, and timers. CPU modules do not require a surge ground connection.
Users should note that new CPU modules must be used alongside new CT/VT modules; similarly, old CPU modules must be used alongside old CT/VT modules. Failure to do so will result in HARDWARE MISMATCH or DSP ERROR error displays, so users should ensure they are buying an appropriate module for the age of their module’s counterpart.
GE Multilin’s UR-9EH has a number of configurable settings that impact CPU function and can be modified using the keypad and faceplate or EnerVista UR. For example, the SERVER SCANNING feature can be disabled to increase CPU resources, which is especially useful for users not requiring IEC 61850 client/server functionality. The CPU module’s Plug & Play capabilities also automatically establishes basic CPU settings, removing the burden of total programming from the user and allowing the user to focus on optimizing settings rather than starting from scratch.
Frequently Asked Questions about UR-9EH
How will I recognize a UR-9EH CPU within my UR series of universal Multilin GE relays?
There are many UR Multilin series universal relays with diverse functions and applications. The two Generation UR relays are the G60 and the G30. The G60 is designed for medium or large generators (primary and backup protection) and the G30 is designed for medium and small generators to provide comprehensive monitoring features in addition to protection of the generators. Additionally, the bulk of the UR relays fall into the transmission or distribution category. The L30 for example provides line current differential protection for sub-transmission lines whereas the D30 provides backup distance protection for transmission systems. There are more than eighteen UR relays in addition to the ones briefly mentioned here. Each of these universal relays is equipped with a CPU whether the universal relay is a vertical (3/4 size) or a horizontal mount relay. The CPUs can be identified by a RH-9 part introduction, followed by a letter that designates the specific characteristics of that CPU. The CPUs of the 9A, 9C, or 9D category will be of the old module types and the other letters (9E and up to 9S) will indicate a new CPU module contained in the universal relay.
UR9EH GE CPU模块 替换失效模块
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