UR9DH GE CPU模块 逻辑算法和计算能力
除了提供计算能力外,如果用户购买具有以太网功能的模块,Universal Relays CPU模块还可以为系统配备以太网功能。其他模块选项包括并行冗余协议和IEEE 1588。
在F35多馈线保护系统GE Multilin中发现的UR-9DH CPU有什么特点?
UR- 9dh是包含在UR系列Multilin产品的许多通用继电器中的CPU。UR-9DH是较老一代的cpu,因为' RH-9 '后面的字母表示模块的年龄(一般来说),' 9D '选项上方的字母表示较新的cpu。因此,UR-9DH是一个带有RS485和冗余10Base-F(以太网,Modbus TCP/IP, DNP)的旧模块。具有这些相同功能的新版本CPU是RH-9H CPU。在F35多馈线保护系统的情况下,确保CPU的年龄与CT/VT模块的年龄相匹配是很重要的。因此,旧型号的CPU必须与同一通用继电器内的旧CT/VT模块相匹配,否则错误代码将阻止UR继电器单元的功能。旧的CT/VT模块是8A, 8B, 8C和8D字母数字名称。8A CT/VT具有标准的4CT/4VT特性,其中8B CT/VT具有4CT/4VT的敏感接地分量。8C CT/VT模块具有标准的8CT功能,8D具有敏感地8CT功能。
UR9DH GE CPU模块 逻辑算法和计算能力
A CPU module in the Universal Relays series, General Electric Multilin’s UR-9DH supplies the relay with logic algorithms and computing power that governs the protective capabilities of the relay. It also supports other modules in the series and the data they collect/functions they execute, most notably the CT/VT module. The CPU module is so impactful on the input/output functions of the CT/VT module that both modules must be from a similar release date, with older modules being paired together and newer modules being paired together.
Aside from supplying computing capabilities, the Universal Relays CPU module also equips the system with Ethernet capabilities if users purchase a module with that option. Other module options include Parallel Redundancy Protocol, and IEEE 1588.
Users should note the location of the old CPU module when installing the new one, as modules can only be replaced with like modules. The Universal Relays series is built with scalability in mind, so accessing the module bay is easy when referencing the Universal Relays user manuals. The faceplates are designed to conveniently open after either depressing latches or removing a screw, allowing quick access to the module bay.
Frequently Asked Questions about UR-9DH
What are the features of a UR-9DH CPU found within a F35 multiple feeder protection system GE Multilin?
The UR-9DH is a CPU contained in many of the universal relays of the UR series Multilin products. The UR-9DH is of the older generation of CPUs, as the letter following the ‘RH-9’ designation indicates the age of the modules (in general), with letters over the ‘9D’ options indicating the newer CPUs. Thus, the UR-9DH is an older module with a RS485 and a redundant 10Base-F (Ethernet, Modbus TCP/IP, DNP). The new version CPU with these same features is the RH-9H CPU. In the case of the F35 multiple feeder protection system, it is important to insure that the CPU age matches the age of the CT/VT module. Thus, an older model CPU must be matched with an older CT/VT module within the same universal relay or an error code will prevent the function of the UR relay unit. The old CT/VT modules are the 8A, 8B, 8C, and 8D alphanumeric designations. An 8A CT/VT has the standard 4CT/4VT characteristics, where an 8B CT/VT has a sensitive ground component of 4CT/4VT. The 8C CT/VT module has standard 8CT features and the 8D has the sensitive ground 8CT features.
UR9DH GE CPU模块 逻辑算法和计算能力
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