UR7GH GE 通信模块 为中继间通信提供两个通道
通用电气Multilin的UR-7GH是一个通信模块,为中继间通信提供两个通道。第一个通道是G.703型,而第二个通道的工作波长为1300 nm,是一个单模ELED通道。
虽然一些用户可能担心中继间通信可能出现的技术软件/数据传输问题,但 UR-7GH 和通用继电器单元配备了监控和保护功能,可减少信道错误并在出现问题时提醒用户信道故障。它们还可以提供有关通道运行状况的全面数据。
通用继电器系列在构建时考虑了可扩展性,使 UR-7GH 模块的安装快速而简单。用户可以下载并参考任何通用继电器手册中的安装说明。简而言之,用户只需解开现有模块,将其滑出托架,然后轻轻插入新模块,直到夹子的声音锁定到位。UR-7GH模块具有即插即用功能,因此模块可以在正确安装后立即开始运行。
关于 UR-7GH 的常见问题
UR-7GH 是否具有一个或两个通道作为通用继电器 UR Multilin 系列中的通信模块?
某些 COMMS 模块可能具有一个或两个通信通道,具体取决于该特定模块的特定订购号。UR-7GH具有7G订购号。此订购号表示 COMMS 模块具有两个通道。第一个通道(通道 1)是 G.703 通道。第二个通道(通道 2)具有 1300 nm 单模 ELED。UR-7GH在美学上看起来与其他COMMS模块相似,模块的哑光黑色饰面。7 型通信模块具有多种变体,具有多种通道特性。并非所有选项都适用于每个UR系列通用继电器。适用的订货号可在通用继电器订货号的信道通信选项部分找到。所有光纤模块(COMMS 模块)都使用一种称为 ST 型连接器的连接器。T60 是某种通用继电器,它确实使用了 7 型系列通信模块。这些 COMMS 模块允许直接在设备之间发送消息。通信通道通常以环形方式连接,但也可以使用其他连接配置。
UR7GH GE 通信模块 为中继间通信提供两个通道
Ge Multilin's UR-7GH is a communication module that provides two channels for inter-relay communication. The first channel is of type G.703, while the second channel operates at 1300 nm and is a single-mode ELED channel.
GE's UR-7GH eliminates the need for expensive copper hardwiring and has traditionally allowed communication between relays, allowing the process to take place via a fiber-optic system. This saves installation costs and cabling complexity, thus simplifying the system.
While some users may be concerned about possible technical software/data transfer issues with inter-relay communication, UR-7GH and universal relay units are equipped with monitoring and protection features that reduce channel errors and alert users to channel failures when problems arise. They can also provide comprehensive data on channel health.
The Universal relay family was built with scalability in mind, making installation of UR-7GH modules fast and simple. Users can download and refer to the installation instructions in any general purpose relay manual. In short, the user simply undoes the existing module, slides it out of the carrier, and gently inserts the new module until the sound of the clip locks into place. The UR-7GH module is plug-and-play, so the module can start running as soon as it is properly installed.
Frequently Asked Questions about UR-7GH
Does UR-7GH have one or two channels as a communication module in the universal relay UR Multilin series?
Some COMMS modules may have one or two communication channels, depending on the particular subscription number for that particular module. UR-7GH has a 7G ordering number. This order number indicates that the COMMS module has two channels. The first channel (channel 1) is channel G.703. The second channel (channel 2) has a 1300 nm single-mode ELED. UR-7GH looks aesthetically similar to other COMMS modules, with the module's matte black finish. The Type 7 communication module is available in a variety of variants with a variety of channel characteristics. Not all options are available for every UR Series universal relay. The applicable order number can be found in the Channel Communication options section of the universal relay order number. All optical fiber modules (COMMS modules) use a type of connector called an ST connector. The T60 is some kind of general-purpose relay that does use a Type 7 series communication module. These COMMS modules allow messages to be sent directly between devices. Communication channels are usually connected in a circular fashion, but other connection configurations can be used.
UR7GH GE 通信模块 为中继间通信提供两个通道
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