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GE UR6UH 监控各种辅助设备 安装在UR单元

GE UR6UH 监控各种辅助设备 安装在UR单元 【产品详情】 通用电气Multilin的UR-6UH是一种数字I / O模块,当安装在通用继电器中时,能够控制和监视各种辅助设备。该模块的这个特定版本提供六个 Form-A(无监控)输出和四个数字输入。希望购买包含监控功能的型号的潜在买家应查阅任何通用继电器手册(位于 AX 控制网站上),以更好地了解模块选项。由于GE Multilin通用继电






GE UR6UH  监控各种辅助设备 安装在UR单元





通用电气Multilin的UR-6UH是一种数字I / O模块,当安装在通用继电器中时,能够控制和监视各种辅助设备。该模块的这个特定版本提供六个 Form-A(无监控)输出和四个数字输入。希望购买包含监控功能的型号的潜在买家应查阅任何通用继电器手册(位于 AX 控制网站上),以更好地了解模块选项。

由于GE Multilin通用继电器系列的模块化设计,安装UR-6UH模块很容易。这些模块采用即插即用设计,允许用户简单地将旧模块与新模块交换,为所有系统升级提供快速正常运行时间。将模块正确安装到通用继电器中后,用户可以通过 Multilin行业领先的 EnerVista UR 软件或通过键盘和 LCD 手动配置模块过程。


关于 UR-6UH 的常见问题

对于通用 Multilin 继电器中的 UR-60UH,T6 通用继电器的订购号细分意味着什么?

让我们以型号如下的通用继电器为例:T60-G03-ACH-F8H-H6M-MXX-PXX-UXX-WXX。为了理解每个字母数字选项的含义以及该特定通用继电器中包含哪些模块,必须考虑产品手册中的表2-4,该表分解了该GE Multilin通用继电器的T60订购号。骨架订购号为 T60-***-****-F**-H**-M**-P**-U**-W/X**。每个 * 表示型号内可变的点。这允许最终用户选择特定的硬件模块,例如CPU,或者在这种情况下,将数字I / O模块放入通用继电器的特定位置。在某些情况下,* 还表示是否包含软件选项或不一定是有形的。如果我们查看订购代码细分中的数字输入/输出部分,我们会注意到潜在的数字 I/O 模块可以在 H、M、P、U 或 W 空格后面的缺失(星号)位置指定两位数的顺序选项。数字 I/O 模块具有以 4 或 6 开头的两位代码。如果我们回头看一下用作示例的零件号,可以注意到 H 位置后面有一个 6M。因此,UR-6M 数字 I/O 模块被集成到该位置的通用 T60 继电器中。每当在型号中找到XX时,这意味着该位置没有模块。


GE UR6UH  监控各种辅助设备 安装在UR单元





Ge Multilin's UR-6UH is a digital I/O module that, when installed in a universal relay, is capable of controlling and monitoring various auxiliary devices. This particular version of the module provides six Form-A (unmonitored) outputs and four digital inputs. Potential buyers looking to purchase a model that includes monitoring features should consult any general relay manual (located on the AX Control website) to better understand module options.

Thanks to the modular design of the GE Multilin universal relay family, installing the UR-6UH module is easy. These modules feature a plug-and-play design that allows users to simply swap old modules with new ones, providing fast uptime for all system upgrades. Once the module is properly installed into the universal relay, the user can manually configure the module process via Multilin's industry-leading EnerVista UR software or via keyboard and LCD.

Multilin's UR-6UH digital I/O capability eliminates the need for analog inputs and outputs, offering many advantages over traditional analog counterparts. Digital data processing is more cost-effective than analog data processing and reduces the stress on users over time. In addition, digital data generates less electrical noise, making the system function more smoothly.

Frequently Asked Questions about UR-6UH

What does the order number breakdown of the T6 universal relay mean for the UR-60UH in the Universal Multilin relay?

Let's take a general purpose relay of the following model: T60-G03-ACH-F8H-H6M-MXX-PXX-UXX-WXX. To understand what each alphanumeric option means and what modules are included in this particular universal relay, you must consider Tables 2-4 in the product manual, which breaks down the T60 ordering number for this GE Multilin universal relay. The skeleton ordering number is T60-***-****-F**-H**-M**-P**-U**-W/X**. Each * represents a variable point within the model. This allows the end user to select a specific hardware module, such as the CPU, or in this case, put the digital I/O module into a specific location of the general purpose relay. In some cases, * also indicates whether software options are included or not necessarily tangible. If we look at the digital input/output section in the ordering code breakdown, we'll notice that the underlying digital I/O module can specify a two-digit sequential option in the missing (asterisk) position after the H, M, P, U, or W Spaces. Digital I/O modules have two-digit codes beginning with 4 or 6. If we look back at the part number used as an example, we can notice that there is a 6M after the H position. Therefore, the UR-6M digital I/O module is integrated into the universal T60 relay at this location. Whenever XX is found in the model, it means that there is no module at that location.


GE UR6UH  监控各种辅助设备 安装在UR单元







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标签: UR6UH







采购:GE UR6UH 监控各种辅助设备 安装在UR单元