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UR6DH 数字I/O输入输出模块 数字I/O输入输出模块

UR6DH 数字I/O输入输出模块 数字I/O输入输出模块 【产品详情】 通用电气 Multilin的 UR-6DH 为通用继电器系列的单元提供 <> 个触点输入,是一款数字 I/O 模块,可以取代当前模块或为给定系统提供新功能。该数字 I/O 模块允许继电器与电力系统中的设备进行通信,而无需进行昂贵的硬接线。使用GE Multilin的旗舰产品EnerVista UR软件程序可以更






UR6DH  数字I/O输入输出模块 数字I/O输入输出模块





通用电气 Multilin的 UR-6DH 为通用继电器系列的单元提供 <> 个触点输入,是一款数字 I/O 模块,可以取代当前模块或为给定系统提供新功能。该数字 I/O 模块允许继电器与电力系统中的设备进行通信,而无需进行昂贵的硬接线。

使用GE Multilin的旗舰产品EnerVista UR软件程序可以更好地连接UR-6DH模块收集的通信和参数,该程序通过简单的键盘和LCD方法提供了大大改进的用户界面。EnerVista 提供视点监控和视点维护工具,可轻松编辑与数字 I/O 通信和模块功能相关的设置。

此特定模块仅包含表单 C 联系人;在购买此型号之前,用户应确保他们不需要 Form-A 或快速 Form-C。该系列中的类似数字I/O模块提供Form-A和Form-C(或快速Form-C)触点的组合,为系统提供了更大的可变性,因此潜在买家在做出决定之前应该考虑他们的系统需求。这些数字 I/O 模块的更多种类可在 AX Control 网站上找到。

关于 UR-6DH 的常见问题


GE Multilin UR-6DH 数字 I/O 输入输出 UR 系列通用继电器模块是一种特定类型的数字 I/O 模块,可在 UR 系列通用继电器中找到。独特的通用继电器具有不同的应用。有些,如Multilin L60线相位比较系统,为具有不同电压特性的线路和电缆提供保护。其他产品,如B30总线差动系统,为馈线提供阻抗偏置总线差动保护。无论通用继电器的特定类型和特定的最终应用如何,大多数(如果不是全部)通用继电器都包含一个数字 I/O 模块,以便提供具有可变触点输入和触点输出的通用继电器。不同的数字I/O模块具有型号,用于指定模块特征的顺序选项,从而指定模块可以提供通用继电器和更广泛的系统应用的特定类型的触点输出和输入。如果订购号包含 Form-A 卡,则该数字 I/O 继电器的激活速度将非常低,这可能对最终用户有利。如果数字卡的输出是机械闭锁的,则系统可能不需要机械开关或锁定继电器。



UR6DH  数字I/O输入输出模块 数字I/O输入输出模块





Ge Multilin's UR-6DH provides <> contact inputs for units in the general purpose relay family and is a digital I/O module that can replace current modules or provide new functionality for a given system. This digital I/O module allows relays to communicate with devices in the power system without the need for expensive hardwiring.

The communications and parameters collected by the UR-6DH module can be better connected using GE Multilin's flagship EnerVista UR software program, which provides a greatly improved user interface with a simple keyboard and LCD approach. EnerVista offers viewpoint monitoring and viewpoint maintenance tools that make it easy to edit Settings related to digital I/O communication and module functionality.

This particular module contains only form C contacts; Before buying this model, users should make sure they don't need a Form-A or a fast Form-C. Similar digital I/O modules in this series offer a combination of Form-A and Form-C (or fast Form-C) contacts, providing greater variability to the system, so potential buyers should consider their system needs before making a decision. A greater variety of these digital I/O modules can be found on the AX Control website.

Frequently Asked Questions about UR-6DH

What is the purpose of the digital I/O in GE Dorin UR Series universal relays, such as the multi-channel Green GE Digital I/O module UR-6DH with subscription option 6D?

GE Multilin UR-6DH Digital I/O Input/Output The UR Series Universal Relay module is a specific type of digital I/O module that can be found in the UR series universal relays. Unique universal relays for different applications. Some, such as the Multilin L60 line Phase comparison system, provide protection for lines and cables with different voltage characteristics. Other products, such as the B30 bus differential system, provide impedance biased bus differential protection for the feeders. Regardless of the specific type of general-purpose relay and the specific end application, most, if not all, general-purpose relays include a digital I/O module in order to provide a general-purpose relay with variable contact input and contact output. Different digital I/O modules have models that specify sequential options for module characteristics, thus specifying that the module can provide specific types of contact outputs and inputs for general purpose relays and wider system applications. If the order number includes a Form-A card, the activation speed of this digital I/O relay will be very low, which may be beneficial to the end user. If the output of the digital card is mechanically latched, the system may not require a mechanical switch or locking relay.


UR6DH  数字I/O输入输出模块 数字I/O输入输出模块





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标签: UR6DH







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