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UR3PH GE T60通用继电器的前面板替代品

UR3PH GE T60通用继电器的前面板替代品 【产品详情】 通用电气Multilin的UR-60PH是通用继电器系列T3型号的更换面板,为继电器接口损坏或老化的用户提供了解决方案。继电器面板为该装置提供了大量功能,包括按钮、LED 指示灯、液晶显示屏、访问 RS232 端口的空间以及用于手动导航继电器及其设置的完整键盘。面板面板的 LED 指示灯能够显示系统状态,为用户提供有关系统运行状况、各






UR3PH GE T60通用继电器的前面板替代品





通用电气Multilin的UR-60PH是通用继电器系列T3型号的更换面板,为继电器接口损坏或老化的用户提供了解决方案。继电器面板为该装置提供了大量功能,包括按钮、LED 指示灯、液晶显示屏、访问 RS232 端口的空间以及用于手动导航继电器及其设置的完整键盘。

面板面板的 LED 指示灯能够显示系统状态,为用户提供有关系统运行状况、各种系统事件等的宝贵信息。例如,跳闸、报警、服务中、测试模式和拾取等 LED 会提醒用户在任何给定时间正在发生哪些进程。“服务中”指示继电器何时正常运行;也就是说,当所有组件都处于良好状态时,编程是合理的,并且应用控制电源。

LCD本身是背光的,即使在光线不足的条件下也可以看到。显示器可以在任何给定时间列出两行,每行 <> 个字符,并且还能够在不使用时显示用户配置的系统参数。用户可以使用键盘和LCD和串联来调整各种设置并导航继电器菜单,尽管通过Multilin的EnerVista UR程序进行编辑可以带来更加简化的体验。

关于 UR-3PH 的常见问题

UR 系列通用多林继电器的哪种型号是 UR-3PH 的更换面板?

UR-3PH型号是T60 GE Multilin通用继电器的替换前面板的名称。T60是大中型变压器的变压器管理继电器。该变压器保护系统适用于需要电流差分功能的电力变压器。该 T60 Multilin 继电器允许选择用户定义的幅度参考绕组。T60 还能够针对不同类型的绕组连接自动调整相移。更换前面板复制了 T60 前面板的显示组件具有多达八组的指示灯,以显示当前正在使用的设置。断路器 1 和 2 还具有用于打开、关闭或故障情况的指示器。故障、测试模式、跳闸和报警条件的状态指示也位于前面板的左上角。UR 系列 Multilin 通用继电器的前面板允许用户查看继电器的当前功能和通信状态,并完全访问不同的功能和模式。为此,每个UR继电器都显示出类似的前面板功能。


UR3PH GE T60通用继电器的前面板替代品






Ge Multilin's UR-60PH is a replacement panel for the T3 model of the Universal relay series, providing a solution for users with damaged or aging relay interfaces. The relay panel provides a number of features for the unit, including buttons, LED indicators, LCD display, space to access RS232 ports, and a full keyboard for manually navigating the relay and its Settings.

Panel LED indicators on the panel show the system status, providing users with valuable information about system health, various system events, and more. For example, leds such as trip, alarm, in service, Test mode, and pick will alert the user to which processes are taking place at any given time. "In service" indicates when the relay is operating normally; That is, when all the components are in good condition, the programming is reasonable and the control power is applied.

The LCD itself is backlit and can be seen even in low-light conditions. The display can list two lines of <> characters each at any given time, and is also capable of displaying user-configured system parameters when not in use. Users can use the keyboard and LCD and tandem to adjust various Settings and navigate relay menus, although editing through Multilin's EnerVista UR program makes for a more simplified experience.

Frequently Asked Questions about UR-3PH

Which model of UR Series General purpose Dorin relay is the replacement panel for UR-3PH?

The UR-3PH model is the name of the replacement front panel of the T60 GE Multilin universal relay. T60 is a transformer management relay for large and medium sized transformers. The transformer protection system is suitable for power transformers requiring differential current function. The T60 Multilin relay allows the selection of user-defined amplitude reference windings. The T60 can also automatically adjust the phase shift for different types of winding connections. The replacement front panel replicates the T60 front panel's display assembly with up to eight sets of indicators to show the Settings currently in use. Circuit breakers 1 and 2 also have indicators for open, closed, or failure situations. Status indicators for failure, test mode, trip, and alarm conditions are also located in the upper left corner of the front panel. The front panel of the UR Series Multilin universal relays allows the user to view the current function and communication status of the relays and have full access to different functions and modes. To this end, each UR relay displays similar front panel functionality.


UR3PH GE T60通用继电器的前面板替代品






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标签: UR3PH







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