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IC695CPE310 GE 中央处理器 电池供电的实时时钟

IC695CPE310中的处理器大约是其他类似型号中的 300 MHz 赛扬处理器C695CPU310 的三倍。您可以从 CPU310 升级到 CPE310,而无需更改旧版 PME 软件。请注意,如果您决定从 CPU310 升级到 CPE310,则 CPE232 上的 RS-310 端口不会在引脚 5 上提供 5V 电源。






IC695CPE310 GE 中央处理器 电池供电的实时时钟






IC695CPE310是GE Fanuc PACSystem RX3i系列中的CPU。CPU 可以对机器、流程和物料搬运系统进行实时控制。它通过两用PCI和串行背板与I/O和智能选件模块通信。

IC695CPE310有一个1.1 GHz Atom处理器和10 MB内存。 其嵌入式以太网接口可容纳两个额定速率为 10Mb/秒和 100Mb/秒的连接。它还具有RS-485和RS-232串行端口。该模块最多支持 512 个程序块,每个程序块最大可达 128 KB。IC695CPE310理解Modbus RTU从站,SNP和串行I / O协议,同时使用SNP协议与人机界面(HMI)设备进行通信。


您可以使用梯形图、结构化文本、C 或功能块图编程语言对IC695CPE310进行编程。设备外壳上标有标签的 LED 指示灯可以在设备通电时呈绿色、红色、熄灭或闪烁。这使得故障排除更加高效,并让您一目了然地验证系统状态。


IC695CPE310可以安装在主 RX3i 控制器机架的任何一对插槽中,但上面有两个最高编号的插槽除外。

IC695CPE310中的处理器大约是其他类似型号中的 300 MHz 赛扬处理器C695CPU310 的三倍。您可以从 CPU310 升级到 CPE310,而无需更改旧版 PME 软件。请注意,如果您决定从 CPU310 升级到 CPE310,则 CPE232 上的 RS-310 端口不会在引脚 5 上提供 5V 电源。


处理速度: 1.1千兆赫

中央处理器内存: 10 兆字节

浮点: 是的

电源要求: 3.3 伏直流、5 伏直流或 24 伏直流

串行协议: Modbus RTU 从机, SNP 从机, 串行 I/O

嵌入式通信: RS-232, RS-485


IC695CPE310 CPU模块是来自RX3i PACSystems产品线的GE Fanuc CPU。它的处理器是Atom处理器,最大处理速度为1 GHz。IC695CPE310 CPU模块配有SRAM和闪存,它可以将程序数据存储在其10 MB uf用户存储器中。IC695CPE310 CPU 模块的功率要求包括背板电压额定值为 1.3 伏直流或 3 伏直流时的 5 安培电流,以及背板额定电压为 0 伏直流时的 5.24 安培电流。当 RX3i PACSystems IC695CPE310 CPU 模块安装在完整的 RX3i PACSystems 机器控制系统中时,必须将其安装在系统的中央通用背板中。如果此 CPU 安装在扩展底板或远程背板中,则无法正常工作。


来自RX695i PACSystems系列的GE Fanuc IC310CPE3 CPU模块配备了一个电池供电的实时时钟。它还可以动态备份其数据。IC695CPE310 CPU 模块上的端口之一是 USB 端口,它是 A 型 2.0 主 USB 端口,可用于配置 CPU 的应用程序以及下载应用程序数据。它一次可以支持2个以太网编程器连接。IC2CPE695 CPU模块上的310个串行端口是RS-485串行端口和RS-232串行端口。此CPU模块支持的串行协议是SNP从协议,串行I / O协议和Modbus RTU从协议。


IC695CPE310 GE 中央处理器 电池供电的实时时钟






Product description

The IC695CPE310 is a CPU in the GE Fanuc PACSystem RX3i family. The CPU provides real-time control of machines, processes and material handling systems. It communicates with the I/O and smart option modules through dual-purpose PCI and serial backplanes.

The IC695CPE310 has a 1.1GHz Atom processor and 10 MB of RAM. Its embedded Ethernet interface can accommodate two connections rated at 10Mb/ s and 100Mb/ s. It also has RS-485 and RS-232 serial ports. The module supports up to 512 blocks, each up to 128 KB. The IC695CPE310 understands Modbus RTU slave, SNP, and serial I/O protocols, while using SNP protocols to communicate with human machine interface (HMI) devices.

You can program the IC695CPE310 using ladder diagram, structured text, C, or function Block diagram programming languages. The labeled LED indicator on the device housing can appear green, red, off, or blink when the device is powered on. This makes troubleshooting more efficient and allows you to verify system status at a glance.

The IC695CPE310 can be installed in any pair of slots in the main RX3i controller rack, except for the two highest-numbered slots above it.

The processor in the IC695CPE310 is about three times larger than the C695CPU310, the 300 MHz Cyang processor in other similar models. You can upgrade from CPU310 to CPE310 without changing legacy PME software. Note that if you decide to upgrade from CPU310 to CPE310, the RS-310 port on the CPE232 will not provide 5V power on pin 5.

Technical specification

Processing speed: 1.1 GHZ

CPU memory: 10 megabytes

Floating point: Yes

Power requirements: 3.3 volts DC, 5 volts DC or 24 volts DC

Serial protocol: Modbus RTU slave, SNP slave, serial I/O

Embedded communication: RS-232, RS-485

The IC695CPE310 CPU module is a GE Fanuc CPU from the RX3i PACSystems product line. It is powered by an Atom processor with a maximum processing speed of 1 GHz. The IC695CPE310 CPU module is equipped with SRAM and flash memory, which can store program data in its 10 MB uf user memory. The power requirements for the IC695CPE310 CPU module include 5 amps at a backplane voltage rating of 1.3 V DC or 3 V DC, and 5.24 amps at a backplane voltage rating of 0 V DC. When the RX3i PACSystems IC695CPE310 CPU module is installed in a complete RX3i PACSystems machine control system, it must be installed in the central universal backplane of the system. If this CPU is installed in an expansion backplane or remote backplane, it will not work properly.

The GE Fanuc IC310CPE3 CPU module from the RX695i PACSystems family is equipped with a battery-powered real-time clock. It can also back up its data dynamically. One of the ports on the IC695CPE310 CPU module is the USB port, which is A Type A 2.0 main USB port that can be used to configure applications for the CPU as well as download application data. It can support 2 Ethernet programmer connections at a time. The 310 serial ports on the IC2CPE695 CPU module are RS-485 serial ports and RS-232 serial ports. The serial protocols supported by this CPU module are the SNP slave protocol, Serial I/O protocol and Modbus RTU slave protocol.

IC695CPE310 GE 中央处理器 电池供电的实时时钟






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140CPU67160C531X190SRCAFG1531X133PR0APG11394-SJT22-AABB  DSQC  630DS200SLCCG1AFG
140CPU67260 531X190SRCAFG3531X133PROAG11394-SR9AABB  DSQC  266ADS200TBQCG1AAA
216AB61531X190SRCAFG41785-L40B2102-1201ABB  DSQC  266HDS200TBQDG1AFF
216NG63A531X190SRCAGG11785-L40C153009AI820  3BSE008544R1ABB DSQC1023
216VC62a531X190SRCAGG21785-L80B5304-MBP-PDPMAI830  3BSE008518R1ABB  DAPI  100  3AST000929R109
369-HI-R-M-0-0-0-E 531X190SRCAGG41785T-PMPP-17009907-028CI547ABB  DSAI  110  57120001-DP
369-HI-R-M-F-E-H-E 531X191RTBAEG11785-TR10BT8440-1022DSQC  223ABB  DSAI  130  57120001-P
369-LO-0-M-F-E-0-0 531X191RTBAEG21785-V80B8440-1023DSQC  327AABB  DSAI  145  57120001-HA
469-P5-HI-A20-E531X191RTBAFG11786-RG6269PLUS-DO-100P-120DSQC  513ABB  DSBB  175  57310256-CC
503-26606-21IC693APU302P1786-TPYR269PLUS-DO-120N-120DSQC  561ABB  DSBB  175B  57310256-ER
531X305NTBANG1IC693BEM3201788-DNBO269PLUS-DO-120N-125VDCDSQC  564BABB  DSBC  172  57310001-KD
560CMU05 IC693CPU351-DFIC660CBB902269PLUS-DO-211-100N-120VACDSQC633A  3HAC031851-001CC-PAOH01
1756-L72 IC693MDL753H1771-NR269PLUS-DO-225-100P-HI-125VDCA6824CC-TAIX51
1756-L73 IC693ACC3001771-OB269PLUS-DO-311-100P-HIA77146-220-51CDP312R
1756-RM2 IC693ACC302A1771-OBN269-100P-HIAAP3798102-00037CG6565


标签: IC695CPE310







采购:IC695CPE310 GE 中央处理器 电池供电的实时时钟