531X133PROAG1 进程接口卡 有三个公端端口
531X133PROAG1 进程接口卡 有三个公端端口
531X133PROAG1 is a process interface card. The 531X133PROAG1 is manufactured by General Electric. General Electric has been in business since 1892 and is considered a leader in industrial manufacturing. The 531X133PROAG1 has three male ports that connect to the surrounding circuit board and allow energy flow and communication between them. The 531X133PROAG1 has seven small blue variable resistors, also known as potentiometers. Variable resistors have a small white circle in the middle that is used to change the energy flowing through them. The 531X133PROAG1 has about 100 resistors. The resistor converts excess energy into heat to eliminate excess energy. The mark indicates the amount of energy that each resistor can convert. Consult an experienced engineer and the General Electric manual for more information. The 531X133PROAG1 has about 40 capacitors. Unlike resistors, capacitors, or capacitors as they are sometimes called, store electrical energy in the electric field they generate. The 531X133PROAG1 has 11 integrated circuits. The integrated circuit writes all the programs for the circuit board. Integrated circuits (ics) are divided into groups based on whether they can be reprogrammed. The 531X133PROAG1 has 15 jumper ports. The jumper port has an orange cover. The jumper port controls the flow of energy by moving the orange housing. Doing so allows you to control the smaller individual circuits around the board. The lid acts like a switch, turning the circuit on or off.
531X133PROAG1 进程接口卡 有三个公端端口
ABB | 3BDH000741R1 | WOODWARD | 9907-147 | ICS TRIPL EX | T8311 |
HONEYWELL | TK-CCR014 | BENTLY | 3500/22-01-01-00 | DANFOSE | EKC361 |
WOODHEAD | DRL-DPM-BKF | TRICON | 4000094-310 | TRICONEX | 3700A |
Rolls-Royce | SLIO 02 | TRICON | 4000093-310 | GE | DS200DCFBG1BLC |
WOODWARD | 9905-973 | ABB | IC695CPU315 | WOODWARD | 5233-2089 |
A-B | 2711P-B6C20D | WOODWARD | 2301E 8273-1011 | ICS TRIPLEX | T8231 |
ABB | 3BUS208800-001 | TRICONEX | 8120E | TRICONEX | 3504E |
HONEYWELL | FC-SDO-0824 V1.3 | ABB | SYN5201A-Z,V277 3BHB006714R0277 | ABB | 3BDH000741R1 |
EL AU | C200/10/1/1/100 | KONGSBERG | RMP201-8 | HONEYWELL | TK-CCR014 |